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horn honking randomly

Started by GoMangoBoys, April 27, 2023, 08:01:38 AM

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When I turn the steering wheel, the horn honks intermittently.  Any suggestions on what might be wrong?  I did the entire steering column rebuild following the awesome videos on here from Cody.


Pop off the horn cover and and check the wire. Maybe it's disconnected and shorting out as the wheel turns.


I once had a vintage car where the horn contact was circular and the steering wheel was not completely "level", so its distance would vary slightly to the other part as you would turn it.


I have determined that the pin for canceling the turn signal is hitting the spring-loaded contact post.  It is the only spot where the horn honks while turning the wheel.  The horn honks when I turn the wheel even if the wire is unplugged from the horn button.  Not sure what to do about this.

Chryco Psycho

The cancel tab on the spring could be bent away from the center hub a little , you may be able to grind some ot the spring away & still have it cancel  ok or remove the spring making sure you know the correct position first & bend the spring back or replace the crush can .


So this is another frustrating problem.  I did several things to try to correct it.  None have been successful.   It seems like there should be plenty of clearance between the cancel tab and the horn contact roller pin.  Based on my measurements, I should have more than 1/16th of an inch clearance (80 thousandths). The only thing that i can figure is that the horn contact roller pin is moving toward the center of the steering column as it is compressed by the contact ring on the crush can when it is installed.  I did the following to no avail, 1 I rotated the spring a bit so that the roller pin seemed like it had less tenancy to bend inward as it is compressed. 2, I bent the copper disc on the crush can a bit so that it sloped away from the center thinkingthis would pull the contact roller pin away from center. 3. I ground the cancel tab down a bit to increase clearance.

Chryco Psycho

Maybe try a cancel spring from another wheel ?
I would have tried everything you did ...


Are the crush cans all the same? Is it possible that I have the wrong one for our 1970 Challenger? I bought this one from someone on ebay a couple years ago.  I am pretty sure that I scrapped the old one already so I have nothing to compare it too.  The only numbersthat I see on it appear to be a date code 09 10 69.


It looks like the spring loaded contact wheel is running at a smaller on the contact disc.  I think that the shiny ring is the contact patch from being installed in our column.  there is a darker circle visible that is probably where the contact wheel was running in the car that this crush can was in before. 


I am hoping that someone can tell me if all of the crush cans are the same, or if there are differences in them between years of E bodies, B bodies or C bodies.  I realized that this car was born as an automatic, but the previous owner had started converting it to 4-speed.  The column is not for a column shift.  Maybe it is not the original column for our 70 Challenger???  I recall posting a picture last year about a mystery connector that I have.  I was told that the connector means that I have a C-body turn signal switch in our column.  Maybe this is a contributor to my horn issue???  If I bought an E body crush can and I have C body column???  I am grasping at straws trying to sort out this mystery as to why the cancel pin on the crush column is hitting the horn contact in the column.


With the can off, can you make the horn honk ? wiggling wires or anything ? Grounding that little wheel to the shaft should honk it ?
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I'm assuming you DON'T have a "Rim Blow" wheel right ? :foul:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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  These crush cans are unique to E-bodies but aparently the horn contact ring was common to many models & is available to replace

.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       


The horn honks when I ground the contact wheel.  No wiggle wire makes the horn honk.  I don't knowwhat a rim blow looks like but mine honks by pressingthe center of the wheel.  The problem is the interface between the crush can and the column/ contact wheel.


If you look at the above picture, if any part of the grey insulating rubber ring is missing cracked or broken it will cause a ground...however yours does appear okay :rubeyes:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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