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Lifetime lover of the E’s

Started by 1972Challenger, July 13, 2019, 05:51:48 PM

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My first car I saved for at 17 was a '73 Barracuda- Forest Green with a slapstick and snorkel hood. U fortunately the Ohio winters did her in around '84, but it was $1300 well spent. Man I bussed a lot of restaurant tables for that car! Years later, around 2004 -after almost having a heart attack from looking at the cost I purchased my current '72 Challenger from the original owner's family after he passed away. He traded in a '67 Cougar- pretty cool car in its own right to purchase this one. Original car with 52k on the odometer.
Until just a few weeks ago the car was in storage at my daughter's home, and had been so for several years. My wife loved the car, and loved the smell of the exhaust-to her it was a gem! We would hit the local drive in movie theater and the Sonic, stuff like that.
In January of 2015 at 43 she passed way from RA, and all interest in the car ended. I came extremely close to selling as it was a reminder of better times.
Well, it's over four years later and thanks to this site my interest is back! Car is at the Dodge Dealer, and the tech- who owns a '71 Duster-is going thru the drum brakes, and all maintenance. Expect to get her back later in the week. In the meantime here's a few pics. And thanks for rekindling my love for these cars!-Mike


Jay Bee

Great score on an awesome looking car and very sorry to hear of your loss.

Oh, and  :welcome: aboard from Ontario   :canada: 


Hey brother.  We love the E's too here.  I love your ride.  Super sorry to hear about the loss of your wife.   :andyangel:

I am glad you signed up.  This site is very inspirational to many of us.



Welcome from B.C. Canada. It's nice to have the car and the memories.


So sorry to hear of your loss. 43 is way to young to pass. :andyangel:

Welcome to the site and glad you are getting back into your car. Sounds like you two had some good times in that '72 Challenger.


 :welcome:  enjoy the heck outta that ride!

Cuda Cody

Thank you for joining us and sharing your story @1972Challenger  Sorry to hear about your wife, but I'm sure she would be proud of you for hanging on to the car and now getting it back on the road.  :clapping:

1 Wild R/T

Welcome, sorry to hear about your wife, sounds like one of the rare special women who enjoy the old cars... I know they are rare, I'm lucky enough to have one of them...  She's has always supported my hobby... Guess along with liking the cars too she knows it's far better than drinking & chasing other women...

Glad you kept the car! Rather than thinking of it as a reminder that she's no longer with you try to think of it as a connection you shared with her & carry on in her memory...

Again, Welcome to the site, we all have the car bug... Mostly the E body bug but we allow other cars bugs in occasionally..   :haha:


Welcome to the site Mike!  Great story but sad about your loss. 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!

blown motor

Welcome to the forum from Ontario  :canada:
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


Welcome from Northern Ontario!  Love the colour of your Challenger! :twothumbsup:


:wave: Welcome to the site from Buffalo, NY.  Thanks for sharing your story.  Truly a rough toad to get here for you.   There's plenty of excellent help and support available here. 


 :welcome: Sorry for your loss  :andyangel: but the car was and is a passion you both shared, A reminder of better times. you will be glad you kept it.   :cheers:


Prayers and a big  :welcome: from Riverside, CA