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E-Body Ash Tray Rivets (tool & rivets)

Started by Cuda Cody, February 09, 2017, 04:40:38 PM

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@Imrare  FYI - if you want to communicate directly with another member here put a @ in front of their user name. For example: @Cuda Cody. That way the member will be notified of your post.  :cheers:


Here's  an idea.

I would like to do a Saturday afternoon Summer time, BBQ & Ashtray party.   :cheers:

Get like 10-12 people over.

Cost to join; a small payment to cover the tooling costs.

BYOA  Bring your own ashtray.


Got it. Just joined the other day and wasn't exactly sure what the protocol was. Ideally I should have sent a private message but wasn't sure how to go about that. I figured responding in the blog the way I did, he would get the message.

Cuda Cody

Yes.  @Imrare  I think I would be open to selling it.  I need to find where I put it and get you some photos.

Cuda Cody

@Imrare   here's some photos.  It's like new and in perfect condition.   Both dies still have the original protective plastic on them.

It worked awesome for me.  Make me an offer.  I'm sell it if you can put it to use.  I've don't have any more project to restore so it's better someone else gets some use out of it.


@Cuda Cody I am interested. How about $125.00 and I'll pay shipping?


Update – thanks Cuda Cody for helping me find this tool and the correspondence.

Not wanting to compromise on the OE quality of the installation of my ashtray insert, I "bit the bullet" and purchased the Hanson HS-42E rivet squeezing tool ($145.00) directly from Hanson (pic below). This the same tool that Cuda Cody used with a 4" reach and a 2 inch gap. Along with the rivet squeezer I purchased a "head" and "tubular roll" die. The items I purchased were #CA2004-9, 3/8" head die and #CA2005-13, 7/8" "roll" die ($16.00 ea). The tool is of very high quality and works perfectly for achieving an OE look on the ashtray insert installation. A note here on use of the tool, the "ram" on the tool is adjustable so that you can customize it for the rivet and die you are using. There were no operating instructions provided with my tool. It took a little thinking and studying the tool until I realized, twisting the "ram" counter-clockwise lengthened the ram and clock-wise shortened it. With these dies to have the proper squeeze", you will have to have the ram extend ¾" (with the handle fully down). Because of the 2" heat shield on top of the ashtray, you will not be able to insert the tool into the ashtray insert with both dies installed on the tool. It takes a little "jiggling" around but the process I used was to not install the 7/8" die until I inserted the front part of the tool in the ashtray and moved the back part of the tool into position (head of rivet). Then I reached into the ashtray and inserted the 7/8" "roll die" into the front of the tool, then extended the "ram" to just make contact with the rivet head to hold it in place, made sure my "roll die" was seated in the rivet and squeezed. The results were exactly what I was looking for.

I am finished with the tool and plan to eventually sell it and the dies at a little discount on ebay to others wanting it for the same purpose. I figure the discount then will be the ultimate cost of getting insert installed correctly. Then whoever buys the tool can use it and pass it on at a slight discount to someone else and on it goes...


I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration




Sorry I'm a little late getting to this thread, if any member would like to have their ashtray rivets installed, I also have the same tools as Cody I use frequently, send it to me and I'll install them N/C.   :cheers:



Quote from: JS29 on March 03, 2020, 07:02:29 AM
@HEMICUDA  You always go that extra mile!!!  :yes:  :twothumbsup:

Thx Mark, it's a feel good thing.  I would also offer the same service if any member needs pigtails installed.   :bigthumb:



We also have the same tools here in North Central IA.  Feel free to come by and borrow them.


@Cuda Cody,

Do you still have your rivet squeezer?  If so are you still interested in selling it?  You can pm me and name your price.  I live in Olympia so just a short drive for me.
