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Key Buzzer Tool Inquiry

Started by 1970Cuda, September 08, 2024, 10:36:53 AM

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Hi All,

I am starting my restoration on my 1970 steering column, and was re-reviewing Cody's excellent videos on the subject. I noticed a tool that he had to remove the Key Buzzer from an old Ignition Switch. I am posting a picture for reference. I would like to purchase one if possible, because I tried to remove the old Key Buzzer from my old ignition switch, but I can't seem to do it. I am posting a picture of the tool for reference. Any assistance on locating the tool would be great. Thanks everyone!


It is a terminal removal/extraction tool/depinner. The picture looks like a Lisle brand.
Should be able to find one at your nearest auto parts store or online.
1970 Challenger, 451 MS3Pro EFI
Colored wiring diagrams
Wheel spreadsheet

Jay Bee

Or you try squeezing in the tangs with a jeweler's screwdriver.


Yep: I always use the tiny screwdrivers and disassemble every terminal, clean and inspect.


Hey thanks everyone for your replies and I really appreciate the information! I will definitely check out all the resources you all have mentioned. (I did try the tiny screw driver trick, but wasn't successful.) But I will look at the links and items suggested. Again, this is awesome information and I really appreciate our forum community.


So a quick follow-up on my saga on obtaining the right tool to remove the old key buzzer from the old ignition switch. I bought off eBay a car terminal removal tool kit (supposedly "heavy duty"), and it didn't work and broke the first time I used it. (Posting a picture for reference.)

In the meantime, I also order the Lisle brand tool from Amazon, and it should arrive today. I want to have the tool anyway, because it looks a lot sturdier than the cheap one I bought off eBay. Thanks again for everyone's responses.