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AAR Sheets

Started by farmboy70, January 10, 2019, 03:19:09 AM

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While doing a recover on a pair of seats we found sheets for two separate AAR'S.
I will be sending these to Barry Washington soon. If they are for your car he will forward them to you .
Hope these find there way back to the cars.


Ill post clear picture of the VIN today. One is rally red car other is sassy grass green , both are auto trans cars.


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Working with the picture I have here this morning, black interior, 1142 last on the VIN AUTO TRANS.
I will photo copy them today and also get a better picture.
Hope it may be yours.
Its a long shot that the cars are still around ,but you never know.


My last four are 9359, but that's for looking....Hopefully the cars do exist and maybe somebody here knows of them. :slapme5:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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Cuda Cody

Once you get the VINs post them like this so they can be searched by google.  BS23J0B211145 and I even put the zero as an O just to help BS23JOB211145. 

Now Google should pick them up.  The problem with Barry's site is it's not google friendly and google can not search it.  But if someone finds this post we can send them to Barry.

cuda hunter

The other problem with Barry is that no one will ever see them again. 
Into his box's and no one gets to see anything on them aside from the one person who might own this car. 
Information LOST . 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Here are the VIN


I found a bonus sheet in my AAR too.  BS23J0B292362.   Heard it belongs to this car but never heard from the owner.  Nicest sheet of any Mopar I've owned. 


That would be John Sandbergs car. I sent him a link to this page via facebook.  :cheers:

Cuda Cody

That's a 100% true.  I sent him a T/A sheet and now I wish I would have hung on to it.  I can't get it back to see what was on it and he will not release any info.  He will only give it to the owner of the car and the information on the sheet is now lost forever.  IMO, it's better to send him a copy and post photos on forums and facebook so the owner will be able to find it. 

For example, I found a nice driving T/A that I was looking to buy and asked Barry if he had any info on it.  He said he had the Build Sheet for it!!!!  I sent him the owners info and asks to see if I could see the build sheet before I buy the car.  He said "no".  I asked him if he would give the sheet or even just a copy to the current owner and he said he will not reach out to them (even after I sent him the For Sale link and the owners phone).  The current owner had to come "ask" him for the sheet and he would not make any effort to reach out to them.  The sheet never found it's way back to the car.

Quote from: cuda hunter on January 10, 2019, 07:45:24 AM
The other problem with Barry is that no one will ever see them again. 
Into his box's and no one gets to see anything on them aside from the one person who might own this car. 
Information LOST .


Keep yer foot in it


I reached out to Barry to inform him of my bonus sheet and he told me that he would let the owner know that I have his sheet. Never heard anything after that. The sheet stayed with me but he has a copy.   Im hoping someone out there might have a super nice copy of my sheet....292404.    I will say that Barry was very polite when I had a few conversations with him about my AAR. 


Also, thanks for sending that link to John on Facebook Brad.   :cheers:


Hopefully we can find the owners and avoid including Barry. :alan2cents:

I would contact Jeff and possibly even send the sheets his way LONG before ever giving anything to Barry Washington, but that's just my opinion.

Did you look for the VIN's here ?
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration