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Tag information

Started by cudamadd, March 06, 2022, 08:50:55 PM

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Please educate me so on eBay now is an FM3 barracuda 318 for sale I think the second line from the bottom is H6XW ,000,406  BUT what is T49968  just don't know what the letter T . is thank you in advance ,Always trying to learn as much as possible cheers  :australia:


The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags



From what I have found T stands for Chrysler Leasing

cuda hunter

I recently decoded another T tagged car. 
I was also told it is a lease option. 
Sent to the dealer so the car could be  rented. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Mr Lee

So Chrysler knew which cars specifically were going to be leased when they were being built?  Why?  Were they different somehow?  Does that make them any more valuable?

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Remember, wherever you go, there you are.


My educated guess is that it was mostly a book keeping function.  Orders came in and specific categories of VONs were used  to keep records of for a database of how many built cars were of the different categories such as leasing, sales bank etc.  It probably tied in with business groups like marketing and even calculating taxes as to why they needed to designate different orders with different letters.  VONs probably don't affect todays values unless it' was a special order or public relations which might add desirability.  Someone just shared several spreadsheets on another forum that tie in with this topic and I hope they don't mind I copied them to share here!  :bradsthumb:

cuda hunter

Wow!!  Thanks for sharing that. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Dang, so now I have to look for an A48 package.


I noticed that code too!  It would be interesting to see if any cars out there have that.
Maybe an FM3 Barracuda convertible with a slant 6, originally ordered by a sprightly 85 year old woman in Miami in spring of 1970?  8)
My convertible has a Q VON and Dan has documented about 20 verts in the same VIN range, SBD just before Thanksgiving of '69.  Thought to be executive lease.  But why build a group of convertibles for executives probably in the Detroit area right at the beginning of winter??
It's got a Y05 code so that doesn't give any further clues on them either.


I just dug up a copy of a broadcast sheet I was given for another one of the group of convertibles my car was in, and it has Y22 on it.  My broadcast sheet was eaten by mice I was told, so I don't have it.
Just curious, that Y22 code wouldn't be on a fender tag? Just the Y05 for built to US specs?



there are "Sxxxxx" VONs that are for "preferred" customers (sales & leasing)
.......... these customers include Hertz, Avis, Gelco, C I T, McCullagh & others
.......... I have fender tag/broadcast sheet info for a few of these

there are "Txxxxx" VONs that are for Chrysler "leasing" in some capacity
.......... the E-bodies I have info on are all BH23, JH23 & JH27 - NO others
.......... they are ALL: 318 automatics w/vinyl tops & A01, C16, C55, R11 - most of them have H51
.......... very few of them have black interiors (H6X9)


this is the ONLY "Dxxxxx" von - "driver's training" e-body I have info on ....... @cuda hunter   :takealook: it was EB7  :D


Quote from: RUNCHARGER on March 08, 2022, 05:21:53 PM
Dang, so now I have to look for an A48 package.

I think I have info on one "senior citizen special" - it's a 383 automatic Super Bee - I'd need a broadcast sheet to verify, but it doesn't appear to be a "driver's training" car.  :burnout:

Mr Cuda

If you have followed along on my joining,  you know I'm a long term owner.  I've never really geeked out on tag, build sheet info as my cars were mostly complete and original when I got them.
But now I'm studying all the details.
I have a von on a car I know was special ordered.  It's just a number sequence. No letter prefix.
Is this correct,  or should it have a letter code for special order?
And is there a box on the build sheet to look for?