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What is it Really Worth?

Started by PatO, October 16, 2019, 06:49:59 PM

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So I have an old Motorola radio left over from my rebuild efforts on my 72 Challenger. It was in the car when I bought it but it has been sitting on the shelf for the past 5 years.  I went out and put 12 volts to it and the lighting works and I get a few amps from the speaker outputs.

Another member here may be interested in purchasing this unit.  Of course - price is a consideration. I've seen prices ranging from a bit over $300.00 for a old Phillips unit with broken wheels and face plate to over $1200 for a decent working unit. Thats asking prices so I don't really know what they are actually selling for.  Any ideas? I don't want to give it away but I'm not wanting to be greedy either. Yet I spent a lot of money on my car and if I can make back a little to shore up my sagging savings account, that wouldn't hurt either.

Pic's are below.

70 Challenger Lover

That's a nice looking one. Touch up the silver edge around the bezel and it would look super nice. I've seen those price ranges too and I'm not sure what they actually change hands at. I think if I were searching for a nice one, I'd go as high as $800 if it looked nice like yours and actually played music. My AM unit lit up and hummed and all that but when I plugged an antenna into it, I could never get any sound. In my view, at $800, it would need to be pretty much drop in ready.


Quote from: 70 Challenger Lover on October 16, 2019, 07:59:09 PM
My AM unit lit up and hummed and all that but when I plugged an antenna into it, I could never get any sound. In my view, at $800, it would need to be pretty much drop in ready.

I discovered by chance (at least on the aftermarket stereo I have) that the antenna had to be mounted to the body for it to work/pick up stations... I suppose that has something to do with it being grounded & may not apply in all situations
.         Doin It Southern Style

Jay Bee

If it actually receives stations I'd say $1,000.00, of course, that's just my humble opinion. If you have a serious buyer you can always offer free shipping at that price. I know if I had one as nice as yours I'd hold out for a grand but then there's also the friend/member price.


I sold my stock 70 am -8 Track with anti rattle bezel and lower dash bezel for $ 800.00-I was asking $1200.00.  I also sold my original AM for a 70 for $150.00. It is hard to say because ultimately parts are only worth what some one will pay for them. Start high and work your way down until it sell.


Really appreciate the input.  I think I may want to get some cheap speakers, an antenna and see if it actually produces sound on each channel. That way I can be certain of what I'm selling a working model or a repairable unit.   :bigthumb:


Quote from: PatO on October 17, 2019, 02:51:55 PM
Really appreciate the input.  I think I may want to get some cheap speakers, an antenna and see if it actually produces sound on each channel. That way I can be certain of what I'm selling a working model or a repairable unit.   :bigthumb:

Good idea