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original front suspension grease fitting photos?

Started by njsteve, August 22, 2020, 11:55:06 AM

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Anyone have some survivor photos of the factory grease fittings on the front suspension of a 1970 E body? I have some original 90 degree fittings and dont know which spots they go in versus the regular straight fittings.



Well I found the original set of inner and outer tie rods. And one has a 90 degree zerk fittiing intact. Two have straight fittings and one has the fitting removed (Which is probably one of the three loose fittings I have).

So riddle me this? Is it the inner or outer that is the 90 fitted tie rod end? Is it as simple as which one is left or right threaded? And for the remaining two fittings, were they from the upper or lower ball joint?

If so, tell me, E=body brethren...


I never realized the 90* fitting were factory ? I thought they had straight fittings that were some reason broken off ? :huh:  and then the dealer replaced them ?

I've had this original set advertised for a while now with no takers, I thought they were original ? :'(
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After talking with one of my friends who is local to me and who has an amazing, original AAR, he mentioned that the assembly line guys would grease the fittings and then snap off the ball to indicated that the fitting was greased. (as shown in the above photo) Then at the first oil change/lube service by the dealer, they would remove the broken fittings and install whatever fitting was easiest to reach. So, those 90 fittings that were on my original ends were later installed pieces. So it doesn't matter where they go on the car, I guess.




I would use the 90 degree fittings were you can't get the grease gun end in straight, like lower ball joints and places such as that.  :alan2cents:



Can you imagine an assembly line with a floor covered in tiny metal "BB"s from all those broken off zerk fittings? Had to have been quite the OSHA hazard back in the day.


Quote from: Shoooter on August 23, 2020, 09:38:54 PM
I never knew that, cool little detail!
Cool, Interesting detail all right,  but pretty stupid too.   ::)
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: dodj on August 24, 2020, 04:46:48 AM
Quote from: Shoooter on August 23, 2020, 09:38:54 PM
I never knew that, cool little detail!
Cool, Interesting detail all right,  but pretty stupid too.   ::)

Like stripping the head of a screw so you know it's been tightened... genius! :haha: