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Started by farmboy70, February 03, 2017, 06:36:08 AM

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Thought I would make a post showing some of the issues when trying to find color match.
While this will deal with FM3 it would apply to any color.

We are working on a ARR in this color. I have a very limited area of original paint to work with on this one.

In the picture you will see three spray out cards using three separate paint systems DBU DBC AND MBC. All of these are PPG product lines.

Using the area under the vin decal to match and a portion of the door and hood hinge . In this case it looks like DBU is the best match.

Many things effect color match, including gun setup, temp, humidity, air flow in spraying area along with paint mixing ratio.

Alos most paint companys have reformulated their paint lines many times in the last 40 plus years so it is a good idea to do spray outs to confirm.

Hope this will help anyone getting close to a color choice.


I'm running into that with Sublime .... going to get my fenders painted ...again to try and get a better match... :pullinghair:


Very difficult to get a color match on any paint with out doing a blend into the next panel. Just so many factors effecting color.
Some things that may help. Original can of paint, use the same gun as used in the first painting.
Blending the next may be the best bet.

Cuda Cody

It's super hard and takes a lot of time to do good paint matching.  Looks like you're doing everything you can to get it right.  The number of coats and color of sealer can change things too.  Good luck!  Going to be an AWESOME car when you get done.  Can't wait to see more photos.   :takepicture:    :twothumbsup:


Teaser picture, getting close .Should have doors and other boltables in paint today.

Cuda Cody

Exciting!!!!!   Seeing paint go down is so  :veryexcited: :veryexcited: :veryexcited: :veryexcited: :veryexcited: :veryexcited:


I bought my FM3 car when it was 8 years old and it was already faded badly. Even back then it was hard to find paint for it. I remember Sherwin WIlliams made the best match back then but it faded in a hurry as well. If it's a bit off it doesn't look good either.



I know what you mean, this a tough color anyway you look at it.


Here is some of the parts in color.


Is restoring cars something you do for a living ? or is this just a hobby ? Looks great !
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Cuda Cody

Looking good!!!!    :clapping:  Nice booth!!  Are you happy with the color?  Make sure to use the same amount of coats on all the panels.   :alan2cents:

Keep sharing photos as you more forward with that awesome car.   :popcorn: 


Quote from: Cuda Cody on February 03, 2017, 03:29:17 PM
Looking good!!!!    :clapping:  Nice booth!!  Are you happy with the color?  Make sure to use the same amount of coats on all the panels.   :alan2cents:

Keep sharing photos as you more forward with that awesome car.   :popcorn:
She's a old booth but works well. Paint coats wont be a problem , I log a color spray out with all the info recorded. Spray gun, pressure , temp , reducer ect.


Quote from: anlauto on February 03, 2017, 03:14:20 PM
Is restoring cars something you do for a living ? or is this just a hobby ? Looks great !
I run a small four person body shop. We restore cars among other things.


Sprayed out the rest of the body today.
Also realized the this is the last of the high impact colors that I have never done a over all with.
Guess I can retire. lol :)

Cuda Cody