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The Black Ghost Challenger to be sold

Started by JH27N0B, January 06, 2023, 09:51:05 AM

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I was just watching the Mecum coverage from Kissimmee and was shocked to see the Black Ghost hemi Challenger R/T SE is on display there as a preview for Mecum Indy in May.
They interviewed the original owners son and he seemed sad but said time to let it go.
I thought it was a family heirloom that never would be sold at any price, but apparently not.


Big surprise, all planned out. Most of us never heard of this car until a year ago. So, they put all the fluff out and then capitalize on it.


I think the car first reappeared after the passing of the original owner, in 2018.  It was first shown in public at the Woodward Dream Cruise that summer, and then was displayed at the original and long term owners feature at MCACN later that year.
It was back on display at MCACN again, in 2021 in the Covid delayed 1970 anniversary display.
At some point it was added to the National Registry of Historical Automobiles too.
Pretty sure it was invited to the Detroit Concours along the way too.
I don't think hyping it up to facilitate a big dollar sale was the original plan, if it was the family has been working on that scheme for over 5 years.
Here is a story that just came out on the listing-


When the father/owner of the Black Ghost gave the title to his son he said "Don't give away my f'ing car" :bye:

Honestly every town, including my own, had their own Black Ghost.
Lots of fast cars owned by working guys and gals who weren't able to drive/street race them often, especially Hemi cars.
Also lots of puffing done back in the day by car owners as to never being beat in a street race, once again especially Hemi cars that weren't the best at light to light street racing.

I seriously doubt the Black Ghost ever crossed paths with the Silver Bullet.


Exactly. We bought these cars to street race. Any Hemi car was legendary back in the street days and if you didn't have the smarts to keep it in tune and drive it correctly the legend was yours to lose. Honestly I doubt this car has anymore history than most of the other Hemi E-bodies. So it just makes it look like the money is more important than the car and family memories. I guess if any of us want to sell a car we should start a few years before the sell date and start telling old stories about it on social media.
I've never sold a car to profit in my life, I've always driven the heck out of them and sold them to move onto a hopefully better car. It's a different world now.


Quote from: JH27N0B on January 06, 2023, 09:51:05 AM

I thought it was a family heirloom that never would be sold at any price, but apparently not.
EVERYTHING....has a price.

Pretty sure Sheldon hit the nail on the head.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


      This makes me wonder what a good story is worth. Will it add to the value of the car. The back story is pretty cool and it brought a lot of notoriety to the car. It will help draw more attention to the car at auction but it's not like being associated to someone famous----like the Bullit  mustang or any Ford directly associated with Carol Shelby.  I'm sure it will have some influence to the price but like most good stories, there has been a bit of embellishment over the years.  Still a rare car but what is a little BS worth.        :haha:


Wow, what cynics. LOL. I don't remember the details of the video I saw but if I recall correctly the dad was obviously into cars, but his kid wasn't and I don't recall the wife was much of a gear head. Then some guy contacted them and offered to restore the car. I  probably got stuff wrong here but this is what I recall. My kids have no interest in my car nor in my guitars. I have no doubt they will sell them after I go. Sure there may be some "sentimental" memories they may connect with. But if they are on hard times or can use the money for other purposes I have no doubt $50-100k (not sure what that car is worth) would look enticing. I am sure his kid(s) have other memories of their dad as well. We don't what circumstance the family is going through.

Here is another thought. I have been watching hemi prices over the years and I am shocked by the prices things command. it seems like the going price for anything starts at $1000 and goes up steeply from there. I used to talk about getting a hemi for my challenger back in the day, but now I am glad I didn't because I couldn't afford all the parts to install it. What is the cost to rebuild that car? As I remember it was in rough shape. I think the car was restored to some degree( I forgot how far it got) but cost of ownership isn't cheap. It may be too much of a burden. Not to mention anyone seeing and knowing what the car is, is probably asking them if they want to sell it.

Just some thoughts


I never heard of this car until a few years ago, much more "famous" street racers IMO, this one was a pretty mildly modified car and not all that fast.. I am not at all surprised it was promoted for $$ and now being sold as it didn`t sound like the kid had any real interest in the car itself as he is not a gear head. Thier car, thier decision, I`m sure some guy with a fat wallet will spend a bunch of money so he can brag to his friends about owning it.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Probably a good idea to sell it for a premium now as marketing at Mopar has a high dollar Black Ghost tribute edition with gator grain top coming in 2023, wonder if the family is getting money from that. :thinking:h


A lot of cynicism here, I'm pretty cynical myself. I guess its an inevitable part of getting old after decades of experience working, and watching politicians and the news media and other assorted scoundrels.  ;)   
But the situation with this car hits home with me in a way.  In my case, my dad was a prominent gun collector and passed away 10 years ago this April.  :andyangel:
I spent a lot of time in my youth going to gun shows with my dad, and even traveled with him to Europe one time to visit collectors and museums there back in the 80s.  I didn't end up developing the passion he had, but am interested in guns.  More shooting them than researching and collecting though.
Before he passed, he asked me to pick one he'd bequeath to me after he passed, and I picked a extremely rare German rifle that was originally developed for defense of dirigibles prior to WW1.  The beginning of aerial warfare!    After he passed and we were getting his collection together to go be sold at auction, I asked my mom if we could keep some as sort of a representative collection of his interests, along with a few that had sentimental value to me like a pistol a relative carried in the civil war.  A few years later, she decided to sell the house and move to assisted living.  She asked what about those guns?  I said I'd look into getting a safe for my house, and after I got it, I told her with great difficulty, we'd got it into my house and into a closet.  Good! She said, now you can take home your guns!  My guns?  That small representative collection is worth over 100 grand.
They remind me of my dad, but quite honestly they sit in a safe, and I haven't got anything other than my "shooters" out of the safe in years.
At least the Challenger owner's son took this car to major shows, and got his dad more attention after he died than he probably ever got during his life.
The rare guns of my dad's probably deserve a better caretaker and more appreciative owners. 
In my case, I have no use right now for the money I'd get if I sold them.  And my mom is 89 and has more than enough money to last her even if she lives to over 100 thankfully.
But like the situation with cars, you are damned if you do, damned if you don't in the mind of all the critics. A rare car sits in a garage for years, we complain about the owners neglect.  The car gets advertised after the owner dies, we complain about the greed of the heirs for whatever they are trying to sell it for!  You can't win.
Well I'm glad the family displayed the car at MCACN where I was able to see it twice.  Pretty cool.  Needs the wiper motor fixed so they park correctly though!  :thinking:


Quote from: JH27N0B on January 06, 2023, 04:57:56 PM
A lot of cynicism here, I'm pretty cynical myself. I guess its an inevitable part of getting old after decades of experience working, and watching politicians and the news media and other assorted scoundrels.  ;)
Your life story and mine have some striking similarities.
I have no problem with the person selling the car. It's just a car after all. It was the 'never be sold at any price' comment that makes me roll my eyes.
Money can make almost anybody do almost anything.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


It`s not just the fact they are selling the car but that they have "promoted" it for notoriety and money since it`s debut, seems to me it was more about the money than the connection to the dad. I had a hard time junking my father`s old slant six `73 Duster not because it was worth saving but because it was his and i would have been to cool to restore and keep it in the family. Unfortunately it was way too rusty and just not worth it without major work.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Matt M

Cool car and story but at the end of the day everything sells.
Noone knows the reason behind the sale or the financial situation of the family.
Maybe the $ will be used to put the kids through college or something.
I am sure the original owner would be happy if the car helped his Grandchildren out. I know I would.



Apparently the owner is a member here, so we might want to refrain from criticizing them suggesting they are just selling it for greed.  You never know, there may be a health emergency or financial crisis in the family and despite never wanting to sell it they are forced to?  Or perhaps they have done all they can with the car, and sharing it and their dads story since first showing it back in '18, the car has sat untouched since getting back from MCACN in 2021, and they think it's time to move it on to a new caretaker?
Another similar situation that is somewhat close to me, involves a local E body car friend who passed in 2021. I bought his enclosed trailer from the widow last year.
He had a hemi cuda.  In talking to the widow, she'd like to keep it, and eventually pass it on to her son. She's got chronic health problems and will never take it out.  The son is a young father, early to mid 30s with a 5 year old and an infant.  I got the idea the son was similar to me in that maybe he had a minor interest in his dads cars like I did with my dads guns.
What are the odds that car will ever leave the widows garage unless they sell it?  Would they be greedy if they sell it, in my mind it sure deserves a better caretaker!
As hemi cudas go, it's nothing earthshaking option wise, most common color, black interior, automatic, I don't even think it has a Dana. Except for one thing, it's coded for a gator grain top!!  How rare is that?  I've only seen one hemi cuda with a gator grain top before.  I'm told the owner bought a legendary gator top for it, but never installed it.
So yeah, that car needs a better caretaker who will install the top and show the car!