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ID Wiper motor

Started by soundcontrol, May 01, 2017, 11:34:25 AM

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What's the part number on the motor parking too soon and what application are you trying to use it for?   The photo Cody posted will show you which position the nib needs to be in.  If you're wanting to use the motor on an E body, it needs to be in the 3431077 position, even though that might not be the part number stamped on the motor.


The motor in question I believe came out a later model f-body it looked the same,but connector was different,  so I swap the connector and gave it a try. It works but the wiper stops about 2 inches before home and flies past windshield in high. I just figured the arms were installed wrong.  I also pulled cover off to inspect it and may put back in tge wrong position. This information has been great, and I think I'll take another look to get to work correctly.

Thanks all!  :bigthumb: