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Old vs New ignition switch connections

Started by Mrbill426, April 06, 2021, 10:44:30 AM

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Caution: I ran into big electrical problems with one of those replacement igntion switches. That heavy gauge brown wire pictured in the center of the switch was loose and when you turned the key, it would bump it into contact with the black wire's terminal end. This resulted in some rather frightening and almost impossible to diagnose, gremlins. You'd turn the key and the car wouldn't start but you would hear the fog lamp relay in the dash clicking, and the dome light would go on. Turns out it would backfeed a full 12 volts into the metal parts of the column and then into the dash frame. I'm lucky it didnt burn the car and my house down. Make sure none of those terminal ends can move. If they can, throw it out. Or better yet, please find an original switch, even a used old one is better than the repro new ones.
