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727 kick down linkage

Started by redgum78, February 13, 2020, 01:12:43 AM

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Hi all,

Can anyone confirm what kickdown linkage my 70 Challenger should have. 440 with 727.

When I google around it seem there are 2 versions;

Version 1 goes slotted rod on carb linkage- pivot on manifold- rod to bell crank on the 727 then another rod from bell crank to the trans lever.

Version 2 goes slotted rod on carb- pivot on manifold- long bent rod to lever on transmission.

Will either version work? I have found version 2 for sale locally but want to be sure it will do the job before I purchase.



The three piece linkage is correct for your 70 440.  :alan2cents:

I would assume the later one piece design would work. :dunno:
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@redgum78  The 1970 Challenger/Dart Service Manual has a lot of good information/photos on the various carburetor linkages. You can find the Service Manual on this site under "Resources". Here is a photo showing the 383/440 4-barrel linkage.  :cheers:


You guys are legends, thanks for the assistance!

I downloaded the challenger manual a couple years ago, I looked in the carb section and in the transmission section for a picture of the linkage, who would have thought I had to look in the lube and maintenance chapter!