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Clutch temperament

Started by Bluemonster71RT, June 09, 2017, 03:40:57 PM

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 :pullinghair: :pullinghair: :pullinghair: :pullinghair: All this work and I cant get the trans in.  :bricks: :bricks: :Thud: Obviously something is not lined up correctly. I assume it's the bellhousing. I didn't know until a little while ago that you have to check run out every time the bell comes off. Makes no sense to me. If it was already done for this engine then why again? Engine is the same trans is the same. But alas the trans wont slide in. I'm beyond burned up right now. Gotta do it all over again. Scatter shield, starter clutch assm.  :madashell: Not to mention that the oil pan gasket I just changed is leaking and there isn't even oil in it yet.

Shane Kelley

You might try having someone help you by pushing the clutch pedal just enough so the disc will move while your sliding the trans in. It worked for me on one I was building. I used the alignment pin and had everything looking perfect. Trans just fought me and wouldn't go in until I released the clutch disc. The tolerances were so tight it took just a little amount of movement.


Quote from: Shane Kelley on July 04, 2017, 03:59:18 AM
You might try having someone help you by pushing the clutch pedal just enough so the disc will move while your sliding the trans in. It worked for me on one I was building. I used the alignment pin and had everything looking perfect. Trans just fought me and wouldn't go in until I released the clutch disc. The tolerances were so tight it took just a little amount of movement.

Great idea! However I can't do that as the z-bar is off. But what I did was loosen the pp bolts just enough. Ill see how that goes. Thanks for the idea. Hopefully it lines up

Shane Kelley

I actually did this with the drivetrain on a stand. I used a small ratchet tie down hooked to the clutch fork on one end and the other to the stand. Cranked the ratchet and it took just a small amount to get it to release the disc. I had a diaphragm clutch so yours will probably be stiffer. If you try this route don't hook it in the hole on your fork. It will bend before the clutch releases. Wrap it around the fork itself. Other thought is hook up the clutch linkage.

Mine was fighting me so much I started thinking I had the wrong disc. Pulled it all apart and I took the disc over and it slide right on the input shaft. That's when I knew it was a matter of alignment. I'm sure your tired of man handling that trans. Been there a few times myself.


Well it worked. I loosened the pressure plate bolts just enough so it could move slightly. The trans for the most part went right in.  Now I know for sure that something was wrong with the previous pressure plate. My wife made me 2 adapters for the fork pivot. One was 1/8" and one 1/4". I put the 1/4" one on because of how far back the old setup was but the fork was too far forward. I put the 1/8" one which is the same thickness of the motor plate. Probably don't need that either but I'm not pulling the trans back out for the 5th time. I did a little adjustment so the pedal will come back up and thats where I'll start. For now I just need some oil, a filter and some collector gaskets to see how everything goes. But for now I am completely exhausted and beat down by this adventure so have a happy 4th everyone!!!!   

Shane Kelley

Good deal. I know how frustrating things like that can be. Been there and done that! :drinkingbud:

Chryco Psycho

Glad you seem to have it solved often it take a few tries to make everything work right  :woohoo: :woohoo:


Finally got back in the garage. I got everything buttoned up and started it up. Ran it to temp then shut it down. The clutch worked on stands at least. There was no initial leaking or leaking while running. I'll wait a little bit and check to see if there are any drips on the floor. If not I will take it for a ride and see what happens. Fingers crossed.

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: Chryco Psycho on July 08, 2017, 05:57:08 AM
Glad you seem to have it solved often it take a few tires to make everything work right  :woohoo: :woohoo:

:thinking:  What are you suggesting?    :rofl:


Forgive this question because I should know the answer but I forgot. The clutch is grabbing all the way up top of the pedal. How do I adjust it closer to the floor? Do I adjust the nuts to get the fork pushing back towards the rear of the car?  EDIT I believe that I got the adjustment part correct but it's still too high. I took it to where the pedal wouldnt come back up all the way and then turned the nut until it popped back up. That is as much as I can do I suppose. Unless I can run 2 return springs. Though that doesnt seem possible or plausible for that matter. 

Chryco Psycho

mistyped it , tries not tires  :bricks:

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: Chryco Psycho on July 09, 2017, 08:10:23 AM
mistyped it , tries not tires  :bricks:

I prefer the tires..... It takes a few tires... :haha:


Chryco Psycho

Well use tires then !! :rofl:
See you at the Carlisle burnout contest !!  :burnout: