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Wives area

Started by turbostang7, March 11, 2017, 05:34:36 PM

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Just a thought, I was a memeber of a local diesel forum at one time that had an area for wives (not that they can't be involved in the rest) but they had an area where they could talk about non manly things.

My wife seemed to get into this, and it may be a way to bring the significant others in to the hobby?


We also have a Facebook site  :dunno:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Chryco Psycho

Please do not tell mine we are here  :Thud:  :bricks:


Quote from: anlauto on March 11, 2017, 05:38:30 PM
We also have a Facebook site  :dunno:

Yeah, I am on there too, but she already spends too much time on Facebook.

I found that after she joined and had a place where they could talk about non auto related stuff, that eventually she started reading the other threads. That lead to her actually coming out while I was working on stuff and wanting to know about it and learn.

also when we met up with some of the other guys, she was more comfortable because she already "knew" the people.


As the female representative of Tom's MoPar obsession, I can tell you one way to get women more interested in the hobby. 

Do not be jerks to the women.

I cannot tell you how many times I have been called something less than flattering on various forums, facebook groups and even at car events. 

I moderate some facebook Mopar groups, and every single time a picture of a girl sitting on a wing car runs, the nasty comments fly.  The admin of Mopar Muscle Cars found a picture of a bunch of wing cars with guys sitting on the wing just to be bratty after one particularly heated discussion went on.

I am all about getting more women and young people involved in the hobby.


Quote from: cudajunction on April 14, 2017, 12:45:58 PM
As the female representative of Tom's MoPar obsession, I can tell you one way to get women more interested in the hobby. 

Do not be jerks to the women.

I cannot tell you how many times I have been called something less than flattering on various forums, facebook groups and even at car events. 

I moderate some facebook Mopar groups, and every single time a picture of a girl sitting on a wing car runs, the nasty comments fly.  The admin of Mopar Muscle Cars found a picture of a bunch of wing cars with guys sitting on the wing just to be bratty after one particularly heated discussion went on.

I am all about getting more women and young people involved in the hobby.

I have been in the car hobby/business for the past 15 years both as an administrator/moderator and while running a car parts business (albeit GM). I have never had any car guy act like a jerk to me...I have seen them act like jerks to each other, but when a lady is present, they usually act like gentlemen. I am sure there are occasions, but I've never seen it personally. Honestly, it is the women who have, in my experience, been the rudest. Especially at cruise-ins or car shows. They assume the car belongs to the man and while the "men" are talking, they usually tell me how awful it is to be walking around looking at cars all night, and how do you put up with it. After about 3 or 4 women doing this at EACH show, I usually get mad enough to tell them that after 5 years of my own blood sweat and tears poured into this car, I would prefer speaking with people who appreciate it.

Rev-It-Up after re-reading my post, I should probably stay out of the wives area... :haha:

Cuda Cody

I think in general I've met some of the nicest guys I know through cars and car forums.  Now that I think about it, some of the nicest women I know I've met the same way.  Car people ROCK!!!!!   :slapme5:


 :unbelievable: Ummm I'm staying out of this one . . .  :stop:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


I 100% agree, some of our best friends were met at car shows.  And I love BSing with car people.

I think the knuckle dragging jerk peeps are probably that way to most people, not specific about what it hits.

Chryco Psycho

You are more then welcome in any part of the forum Laura but probably will do better way from the wives areas !!  :rofl:
You are one of a kind ! May be 2 with Heather !!


Hey now, I was out walking in the rain for 5 days scouting the elusive Mopar parts at the Portland Swap Meet.  I met @Cuda Cody in my travels and he can vouch for me! 

Chryco Psycho

Awesome 3 of a kind !!
Welcome  :bravo:

Cuda Cody

 :yes: @cudajunction  is one of us.  She was out in the worst weather I have even seen at the Portland Swap Meet looking for parts.  She rocks.  :banana: