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First time traveling to the USA. San Francisco

Started by Swamp Donkey, May 13, 2019, 08:19:17 AM

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"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill

Chryco Psycho


All I remember is a restaurant that only served Prime Rib and it was delicious.


You guys are cracking me up. I do remember the sidewalks being nasty and that's my second memory.  we did a two bridge tour of the big bridges on a boat and thought that was pretty cool.  The boat took us near Alcatraz.


Quote from: cuda hunter on May 13, 2019, 11:36:47 AM

One thing I know we are doing is going to the Winchester mystery mansion.  Being a builder, the architecture there should be very enjoyable and different.   

Lived only miles from it for years and I have never been there.


It's been a long while since I've been to SF. When I was there all I heard was how "gay" it was going to be. PPPhhhhtttt All we noticed were hookers! And they were available on many streets at all times of day and night.  That being said Alcatraz is worth the trip. Going across the bridge to marin county and on doing a wine tour was fun too.  I'd recommend the Stinking Rose for dinner (if it's still there?)

303 Mopar

I took my boys there for their first time last summer, it is not as bad as some of these bozos make it out to be.  I agree with the list from @kawahonda, and would add Coit Tower because it has one of the best views of the city and bay.  The Golden Gate is just amazing it see, and yes go across the the Salsalito side.  If you take the first exit on the other side and go up the hill you, that is where most pics of SF and the bridge are taken from. Also, there is an old army post there from WWII that still has the barracks and anti-aircraft gun bases since they thought Japan was going to attack the city from the Pacific.

The food is really good, and of course mine being Italian, be sure to stop in the area called North Beach.  There are Italian flags and the colors of it on all the light posts so it is hard to miss.

Do not rent a car, just Uber around and definitely ride the trolley but bring cash. The trolley museum is worth a stop as well.


Hmm what to do in SF. Gee I don't know maybe:

Crissy fields and visit the Presidio, Fort Mason - much history here. While there go to the Social Club - good food and drinks.
Catch a ferry to Sausalito, catch some drinks and food by the bay - head over to Angel Island
The Cable cars are now a pain to even get on so don't bother unless you have hours to wait.
Ghirardelli square is nice and grab an amazing ice cream or chocolates
Head over to the Sunset district and visit the Sutro Baths, enjoy the scenery, grab drinks
Go down to the Mission and pick a ton of places to eat
Shopping - head over to Union Square
North Beach - go to Tommaso's for amazing Italian food.
Chinatown - good if you are adventurous and like Chinese food. 

Stay away from Pier 39, Lombard St, some say Alcatraz is kinda touristy but the tour is really cool, Cable cars.

Winchester Mystery house is only miles from my place and really cool. I love the history of the place and it gives you a look back in time. I cannot imagine that the house was surrounded by about 200 acres of orchards. There are 4-5 tours you can go on.
1970 Cuda Yellow 440 4 speed (Sold)
1970 Cuda clone 440 4 speed FJ5
1975 Dodge Power Wagon W200


usual stuffs like watch out for pick pockets and don't leave stuffs in the car. Car break in is getting bad anywhere in the City.

If you have time head out to Yosemite, but it is at least a 3.5 hours drive away one way from SF.
1973 Challenger Rallye, 416 AT
2012 Challenger SRT8 6 speed Yellow Jacket


Rent a Charger and drive the streets like in Bullitt!  :)

I was there 2016, it was OK, Alcatraz is very cool, good seafood at Fishermans Warf and in Chinatown.

My wife managed to book a crappy motel in a bad part of town, it was interesting though.


Swamp Donkey

Got Sea Legs?

We're having the best Chinook Salmon Season in 30 years.

Easy limits in 2 hours or less is how  it's been recently.

If interested, PM me and I'll get you details.


To put it into a perspective. SF has a great history and many developed entertainment areas and attractions. Problem at hand is they have open arm policy. This policy has exploded the homeless population faster than any system can handle. Read a recent report that it has doubled in just the last 6 years. Outsiders moving in in droves for free handouts.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



I used to have to travel to the financial district for my job and I remember one time leaving the city I had a 5'7" latino guy asking for money. Most times I don't even bother engaging them but this guy started yelling and it made me laugh out loud and he got even madder. Not that I was intimidated at all but some of them are getting aggressive with panhandling.
1970 Cuda Yellow 440 4 speed (Sold)
1970 Cuda clone 440 4 speed FJ5
1975 Dodge Power Wagon W200


Quote from: HP_Cuda on May 18, 2019, 05:47:37 PM

Most times I don't even bother engaging them but this guy started yelling and it made me laugh out loud and he got even madder. Not that I was intimidated at all but some of them are getting aggressive with panhandling.

I encountered the same thing here in Baltimore. I blew the guy off, then he started to follow me and curse me out.

OK guy, like cursing at me will make me want to give you money more.   ::)