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Gas prices - OUCH!

Started by Dakota, May 10, 2022, 06:45:54 PM

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cuda hunter

Here he is again predicting the obvious future.

45 seconds to 1 min 10 seconds.    Pretty short amount to watch.   We were forewarned.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Here is biden blaming russia.

As usual, bidens words are hard to hear as the "recording" of this s.o.t.u. speech is almost muted.  How surprising. 

Go to 1 min 30 seconds and watch a few minutes of that train wreck. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Here is biden telling us that he has worked with 30 countries to release our
special oil reserves to help us regular people. 

No need for emergency oil reserves right? 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

And here is biden's plan to fix these gas prices.

Charge fees to those who are not using wells that sit idle.   

Release 180 million barrels of our own strategic emergency war time oil reserves. 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Here is a video of the person in the administration that is supposed to understand all this.

What a joke. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

And here we (Americans) are told that the economy is in the best shape ever!  Records being set for low unemployment and great gains happening. 
  If that's the case we should see some easing of the gas prices right? 
Or does our entire record setting economy not have anything to do with the gas prices.
As we have been told on this thread, biden is not in control of the oil. Neither is his administration.  It's all the oil companies that have caused this right? Because they won't invest in drilling after the president says that he is going to transition out of oil? 
Who in their right mind would invest in anything if the president is telling you that he is going to go after YOUR company?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Oh wait !!

Here is the answer!   It's just 30 seconds long.  And it effects all of us here with our cuda's.

So, she is not effected by the high prices made that way by the "whimms" of the oil companies.
We are supposed to get ourselves an ev car and use a fuel that has no cost or pollution. She doesn't even need to worry about the cost of electricity.  It's clean and cheap.
Just ask California how cheap electricity is, when it is available. 

Coal, does this.  Look how magnificently clean and green it is. 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Bills Auto Works

Quote from: blown motor on June 09, 2022, 07:24:40 AM
Why will things change in November?

  If all goes as planned, the "Red Tsunami" should put a halt to the efforts to destroy the country as we know it & should give us the power to override vetoes of laws written to get us back to energy independence, cut regulations, open the areas for drilling closed a year & a half ago, etc,etc

God Bless


LET'S GO BRANDEN!!!!!!!   :yes:


Quote from: JS29 on June 09, 2022, 01:23:21 PM
LET'S GO BRANDEN!!!!!!!   :yes:

Yep, I'm sure this is all the Bad Orange Man's fault..............
On a positive note, no more mean tweets, and crime has gone down, right?


Let's watch the politics, posting videos is one thing, but when the personal opinions start flying that's something entirely different and not something we want on this site... :alan2cents:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Quote from: blown motor on June 09, 2022, 07:24:40 AM
Why will things change in November?

The hope is Republicans will have a majority in the House and possibly even the Senate, not sure if it "fix" anything but it should at least keep things from getting worse. Unfortunately 2024 is still a long ways off.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Last night I was driving home from a meeting and needed to fill up my Dart.  I am glad I kept it as a beater when I bought my 2500 last year, as its 30-35mpg sure makes life a bit less dire today!
I saw a station at $5.77 and whipped into it, as all the other stations in the Chicago west burbs were $5.85 and up. By my house in the suburbs near Chicago the station is $5.99.  I was cheered up a bit by the sticker on the pump, the price didn't come out in my picture but it was $5.77.9. 
I think things look pretty bleak going forward regardless of what happens in November.  As I mentioned earlier, the situation for energy production companies has become very negative in recent times.  There is a disincentive to work at growing capacity.  No new refinery has been built in decades, and it is highly unlikely another one will ever be built.  In fact, some are getting long in the tooth and closing, so refining capacity is actually going down.  Developing oil fields requires capital, and due to the fact that carbon has become the boogeyman, banks and hedgefunds don't want to lend money to energy companies. 
I think the direction oil companies are going is to follow is the path that big tobacco took when they ended up getting attacked and demonized.  They learned to find ways to remain profitable after scaling down.  So the oil companies can save themselves, but the consumers end up caught in the middle and will suffer from shortages.
In the meantime, it is ironic and a clear demonstration of how government can't do anything right, the power companies are shutting down power plants that are fueled by demonized energy sources like coal, natural gas and nuclear, at the same time we are supposed to be transitioning to EVs, which require a great increase in electric generating capacity.
Several coal plants recently closed in southern IL, and they are warning of brownouts and blackouts.  The state's government says no worries, we can just make up for shortfalls by purchasing powe from other states.  That sounds like a wonderful plan... until it isn't.
A nuclear plant in Michigan is shutting down now too, with the loss of its contribution to the grid similarly going to be made up by wishful thinking.
It seems sheer madness to me, in order to save the world from climate change, we are destroying transportation and electricity production, in other words destroying everyone's standard of living and causing a great deal of suffering to "save us".
I just don't see how this stupidity the west is engaged in with unrealistic policies can be turned around. 
Might want to find yourself a nice cave in the wilderness to live in, with stream full of fish and a forest full of firewood to burn for heat if you want to survive.  :alan2cents:


 :wrenching: Reminds me of the Obama and Biden years when they were pushing for Solar Panels and Wind energy and Gas prices started approaching $5.00 in Texas, everybody filling up at the gas stations cussing and wanting to go after the gas station owners because they were sure that they were to blame not the Administration. Many politicians got filthy rich pumping cash into Solindra then cashing out when the stock hit it's high... History repeats itself what goes around comes around. Everything done is done with a reason and a goal. Common Sense needs to come back into play in our society otherwise we will be wishing for the bare necessities and not find them.....

Mr Cuda

Northwest Washington,  gas is 5.85 at the cheap end.  At least I can fire up my car while I look at it.
They are all  becoming museum peices in front of our eyes.

Bigger issue is the lack electricity this summer.
The are forecasting brownouts.  No a/c, no refrigerator , no alarm system for your business.
Should be fun.
Yes, I am negative but prepared.