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My luck has ran out ... Covid19 has finally caught up to me.

Started by RzeroB, April 27, 2021, 10:45:57 PM

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The virus finally caught up to me  :crying:  Started feeling some symptoms on Saturday and the diagnosis was confirmed on Monday ... Hemi day of all days! Thanks for the "present" Mr. Corona!  :verymad:  Now what? Anyone else experience the company of Mr. Corona? Tips, tricks and recommendations on how to get through this thing greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Sorry to hear that you have caught the virus , Hope you feel better soon . :australia:


Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

Most of the people I know that have caught it have fortunately just had the "bad flu" version that knocked them on their butts for a 3-7 days.   They mostly slept their way through it as they lacked energy to do anything else.  I don't think they found any meds that helped.  The one person with other health conditions was hospitalized with lung issues and nearly died, so if breathing difficulties appear don't wait to get help  :alan2cents:


Quercetin tablet and zinc. You don't need a lot of zinc, about half of one 25mg tablet a day. And don't take it with anything that blocks zinc absorption. Same mechanism as Hydroxychloroquine.


Sorry to see you tested positive.
Don't think there's any 'tips or tricks' that make a difference. You're gonna be tired. If breathing becomes more difficult, get to the ER.
Everybody I know that got the virus got through it fairly easily. One lost his sense of smell. It returned after two weeks or so.
Hope you get through it without too much bother.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


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cuda hunter

Quote from: Montclaire on April 28, 2021, 04:32:49 AM
Quercetin tablet and zinc. You don't need a lot of zinc, about half of one 25mg tablet a day. And don't take it with anything that blocks zinc absorption. Same mechanism as Hydroxychloroquine.

That has helped several folks I know.
I do have a few friends who lost their smell and taste for like 2 months. 
Also a couple that were still exhausted for a month after. 

I just lost an aunt of sorts.  And her parents received it from her before she passed. She was very over weight and her parents are very old.    Comorbidities are the main issue with this virus. 

  If you have any comorbidities, you really need to be more careful with the virus.  The only folks I know that have passed have all had  other very serious health issues or are very old. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


My wife got it back in September.  She isolated herself in our bedroom and I worked from home for 3 weeks.  My daughter and I didn't get it.  My wife lost her sense of taste and smell and she hasn't gotten it back.  She's afraid it's gone for good.  Occasionally, she will get a hint of a smell but it doesn't last long.  She's really upset about it.

Nothing more to add about how to beat it other than my doctor told me to hydrate if I ever do get it.  That's key.  Don't get dehydrated.

Jay Bee

That's terrible, so sorry to hear you got hit with it. Hope it turns out to be one of the "milder" cases for you.

cuda hunter & Burder, sorry to hear about your family members as well.


Hoping everything passes in time.
A couple Mopar friends of mine contacted it, one had a tough week with it but got through, the other just lost smell and taste for a while and that was it.
Take care of yourself


My wife and I both had it in December.  Muscle aches, cold chills, headaches for a day or two.  Took a while for lungs to clear and smell to return.  The longest lasting effect was fatigue.  You'd feel OK until you start doing something strenuous, then realize you weren't back to normal yet.   Thankfully, it was no worse than that for us. 


Sorry to hear that the virus caught up with you. I have heard that regular aspirin can help lessen the effects.
Keep yer foot in it


I got my second vaccine 3 weeks ago, aren't most of us old enough to have been vaccinated already?


Sorry to hear this Tom, hope you get well very soon.

- Wade