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1162 Members ?

Started by anlauto, November 16, 2020, 06:47:54 PM

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 :iagree:  Yea....I don't even own a cell phone, so this is all I got.. :)
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


I've been mostly researching instead of posting since day one. Usually takes some time to find an answer. Out of frustration  :headbang: I can see myself posting for a quicker answer,


Quote from: challengermaniac on November 17, 2020, 12:23:39 PM
Quote from: js27 on November 17, 2020, 12:14:32 PM
I am not on as much as I used to be since I retired. I use to get on everyday at Lunch time at work but now being at home I am usually hip deep in a home projects or working on my 67 Satellite plus since I sold my Challenger last year I don't have much to talk about..or pictures to post. Yea I do miss the Vert. Hell I am going post some pictures just for old time sake !!!

This is the saddest post ever!  Time to start looking for a new ebody ride!

You never know what the future holds !!


Quote from: Flatdad on November 17, 2020, 04:57:23 AM
Quote from: dodj on November 17, 2020, 04:29:07 AM
How many of us are very active? 30? 40? :dunno:

Depends on what you consider active, I'm on here almost every day, but only tend to post something maybe once a week.

That being said, of the forums I've been a member on (Moparts, FBBO, FEBO) this one is my favorite because the people aren't jerks to each other & its still about the cars.  :handshake:
I consider one post a  :cool:
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


I post when I think I can help but as someone said there are far more knowledgeable people than me. I generally check all the Mopar sites each evening. With out a doubt this is the friendliest site. Thank you to the guys who post regularly.


It's not only about being knowledgeable and answering's about just conversing with people who share the same passion for Cudas and Challengers...posting pictures of your car or even just your dream car...letting everybody know what you did to your car today...sharing your thoughts and opinions of cars currently for sale....dream a little maybe...heck...maybe just comment on the constant girly pictures or daily cartoons... 

Just speak up....join the conversation  :grouphug:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Good points Alan, I guess I've always thought of it as a place to go when you have a problem or to learn from someone else having trouble.


I seem to remember the same type of post on C-C more than once over the years. Some guys just never post. Many dont have E's, I'd put a bet on that. As for the more "active" players, seems most have transitioned here.  :burnout:  Or is it just the old guys that need a life? BIGS included.  :haha:


Even though I've been a member on here, and moparts for years (and a lurker on other sites), I've never posted much on any site.
Earlier this year I started posting more to this site and trying to contribute more where I can. I really like the site and atmosphere.

For any forum to remain healthy there needs to be a reciprocal relationship of give and take.
So I made a conscious effort earlier this year to be more active...

For either the benefit or detriment of the site, you decide.  :D

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
-Harlan Ellison

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I think those of us that have our cars "finished" don't post as much as new owners do? For obvious reasons.   When I first got my car I lived on here.....well then.


Quote from: RzeroB on November 17, 2020, 12:52:29 PM
10x as many members (11,800+) on the E-Bodies Org Facebook page.
Apparently people prefer the smart phone friendly apps that you can take with you on the go.  :burnout:

That is probably true. The phones are taking over from computers, this site is hard to navigate and read on a phone.
I use my Macbook Pro (laptop) and my iPhone with Tapatalk when I'm away from the computer, (not very often, since I work in front of  computers all the time).
Tapatalk is an app that makes it way easier on the phone.
Maybe some ads/posts  on the Facebook group that informs everyone there about Tapatalk?
Might pick up some members here.


It shows actually 2605 total members


And There are (405) member pins on the map.

Put your pin on, or put it off some near where you live, that's not exactly where you are at if that helps you sleep better.