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New member from Southern Ohio

Started by Christopher Evans, February 07, 2018, 05:21:11 PM

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Christopher Evans

Thanks for the welcome guys! Glad to be in good company. I'm a Mopar muslecar guy just like many here. I've owned 25+ mopars since my 16th birthday. EBodies, I've owned only two. A 1970 A66 340 Performance Pkg FJ5 - Sublime, !5 x 7 Rallyes, bulge hood, 3:23 Sure Grip, 727 Consloe with black buckets. Originally sold new at Dayton Reliable Dodge in Dayton, Ohio. Orig owner Andy Anders. I current own a 1971 Dodge Challenger. Orig High Impact GY3 - Citron  Yella car from Azusa, California. I sold it in 2000 and bought it back in 2013. :worship:


:welcome: from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada :canada:

You have found your E-Body home, the best E-Body site in the world...

Nice looking car, love the color....


Jay Bee


 :welcome: to the site. Great looking car  :wave:


 :welcome: From North Central West "By God" Virginia.


Nice car: Welcome from B.C. Canada.


 :welcome:  From Atlanta!

Looks like we have the same taste in years and colors. :twothumbsup:



Welcome from krazyfornia  :welcome: nice one!


Welcome to the site from Ontario,  :canada: and congrats on getting that fine piece back!  :wave:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


Welcome to the site from Michigan!  Great looking Challenger!  Glad you signed up!   :clapping:  :wave:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


You got it back!!!  Dont hear that often, usually they get away.

Welcome to a great place.

Cuda Cody

Welcome @RT440Dodge   :welcome:  Sweet color on your 71.  That's one of the colors that I wish they made more of.  :inlove:

Chryco Psycho

Welcome from Panama  :wave:  :panama:
Great Challenger too  :bigthumb: