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Installed new shocks. (long story)

Started by Racer57, August 11, 2020, 09:03:05 PM

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Due to issues with rear end wrapping up and not knowing how old or brand of shocks are on car(on it when I bought it 5 or 6 years ago), I decided to put new Bilsteins on.  I thought this would be one of the easier tasks I've done to car.  Cuda is in my pole building where I have it on my 4 post lift. Sunday was bored as hell, so even though it was 85 degrees with 100 heat factor I turned on the fans and went to work. 

Started on rear first. removed bottom nuts. Emptied trunk, removed access plates and decided I needed Wife to help. Was just barely able to convince her to climb into trunk.  Started raising car so I could get to top bolt. She started yelling. "HEY !!  WTH you doing !??!?"  I was able to calm her down, telling her it was safe.  Air compressor hose broke so had to use ratchet. 1/3 of turn at a time. She was cussing the whole time.  Finished an hour later.  :pullinghair: Both went to house to cool off. She said she was done. I changed out of soaking wet shirt and went back out.

Started on front. Removed bottom bolts with car in air. Easy. Lowered car and couldn't find my tool for holding shock shaft. Used small cresent wrench to hold shaft and box end wrench for nut. Got it off, went into house. Changed shirt, cooled off and went back out. Same process for other shock. Decided that was enough for day. Went back to house and showered. :pullinghair:

Monday afternoon looked at front and rear shocks I had removed and they would not stay extended. Hard out, two fingers pushed in.  Felt great seeing they were shot. Money not wasted on new. Wife had calmed down and convinced her to get back into trunk. Raised car on lift and installed top bolts. Then had to use scissor jack on frame to allow axle to lower so I could get shock bottoms on. When I started jacking, Wife said " NOW, WTF are you doing ?!?! "  Promised her I would take her out to eat that night.  Finished job and lowered car, She went to house. :pullinghair:

Then I started on front. Quickly found out that with new shocks having shafts fully extended there wasn't room and had to use scissor under K member to lift front so tires were in the air for max clearance. Pushed shock shaft up into hole in fender, but was unable to compress shock enough to get over lower arm and into hole. Tried several times. Finally said hell with it. :pullinghair:  :thinking:

Tuesday morning.  Decided to put bottom of front shocks into place first. Was able to reach behind front tires and pull down on shaft by grabbing the washer and bottom rubber bumper. Shaft went into place. Then did the other side. Still didn't have special tool, so had to use small cresent wrench to hold shaft and wrench on new lock nut.   :pullinghair:

Tuesday afternoon late. Finished cleaning everything up and double checked nut tightness. Asked Wife if she wanted to go for a ride. "Hell yes I do !! "
We live in country with lots of oil chip roads with patches that are rough. Perfect test for shocks. Car rode very smooth and what I didn't expect was the steering wheel did not move around as much as before which meant the power steering box wasn't as worn out as I had thought. It was unfrikkinbelieveable how much better the car felt.  :ohyeah: My Wife immediately said "Wow !!" within the first mile.  Cruised around for a while hitting every pot hole I could marveling at how great it felt.  :stayinlane:  Got home and realized I forgot to do a burnout to see if axle still wants to wrap up. But even if it does, I don't care !!!   These Bilstiens are fantastic !!  Even with the hassles. Wife might not agree to that though.   ::)


  :ohyeah: Sounds like a Great Day to be Alive   :cooldance:
.         Doin It Southern Style


I haven't tried a set of Bilstiens but I hear they are really good.


Except for the part where I would make my wife sit in the trunk, your story makes me feel pretty good about the Bilstiens I have on my car.   Haven't been on the road yet, but hopefully "soon".

Great tale.  Thanks for sharing.


I did the same thing, but it was hard to explain to the wife why the trunklid had to be closed.


I put Bilstein's on mine about 6 months ago and had the same experience, could not believe the ride improvement! I also put on 1.06 torsion bars from Firm Feel so that helps too, but like you said it was just way smoother. I'm a fan!