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I know insurance is often a topic

Started by BIGSHCLUNK, September 05, 2020, 05:53:55 PM

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How much can you all drive? I checked out several and they all seem to limit the milage, pretty dramatically and while they allow you to drive cross country to car shows, most seem not to want you to drive to work or around town. I want insurance so I can drive occasionally around. I have a motorcycle as my main transport, but the challenger will be one of my main cars, but I just don't have the need to put a lot of millage on it. Whats the point of having the car if I can only drive twice a month. LOL. Then Hagerty want's it to be stored in a box. Something completely covered with very few exceptions. They are worried about thefts. Not sure if any of this changed, but this what the rep was telling our car club a couple years ago.

As for DMV caring about where you're driving, it is an insurance thing not dmv. The Insurance companies calculate risk and if you drive only to shows, you're going to be careful and have more highway vs city miles, and all this other stuff. But if you drive around town, then your risk goes up. Someone is more likely to steal your car, or ram into you, or even dent the car in the parking lot since you will be exposing it more often. At least that was my understanding.


One of the only breaks we get in IL is historic plates.  If you have antique vehicle plates on your car, you can put vintage plates on your car and you just need to carry your antique plates with you to be legal. No requirement to register your vintage plates like many states do.
Antique plates are cheap here too, and renewing with vanity vintage plates only costs a bit extra.  But driving with them is highly restricted: parades, shows and to and from maintenance.  I've never had a problem, but I've heard stories of guys getting ticketed for pleasure driving cars with antique plates.
They started a new plate here a few years back, called expanded antique.  Those cost half of regular plates and are renewed annually whereas antique plates get renewed every 5 years.  EA plated cars can be driven for pleasure except winter.
I heard for my insurance which got bought by Hagerty, that Hagerty is offering to match rates for the first year.  So next year I'll have Hagerty, but probably I will have to shop around in 2022 to get a decent rate.


The 19 yr old girl who caused my accident last year only had $25k liabilty.  :verymad: I had to put a claim agaisnt my uninsured/underinsured policy with $100k liabilty to get a decent settelment. In New Hampshire you don`t even need to have proof of insurance to register a vehicle, you are supposed to have to show "financial respsonsibilty" but no one ever does. NH really needs to change there insurance laws.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club