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Pot now legal in Canada...

Started by anlauto, October 17, 2018, 04:46:01 AM

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Smoke um if you got um....
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

blown motor

@Cuda Cody Can we get a pot emoji for us Canadians?
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


Laws need to catch up with regards to infractions.

Under the Influence Laws while driving a vehicle are regulated for Alcohol use.
The same danger exists for people getting a "high" from pot.  Individuals should not be operating a motor vehicle under the influence and regulated just as alcohol consumption is!

There will always be people who abuse both!  It is an issue. :thinking:

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


Quote from: 340challconvert on October 17, 2018, 05:33:14 AM
Laws need to catch up with regards to infractions.

Under the Influence Laws while driving a vehicle are regulated for Alcohol use.
The same danger exists for people getting a "high" from pot.  Individuals should not be operating a motor vehicle under the influence and regulated just as alcohol consumption is!

There will always be people who abuse both!  It is an issue. :thinking:

This is my biggest concern ( driving) some will say they drove high before, and yes I'd agree but I suspect we will see  more people driving high now. I'm also not convinced they have a accurate/scientific way to tell/prove that will hold up in court for impaired charges. Not a big fan of this law. Medicinal purposes I have no problem with.


Not a fan either. Just imagine the stench if you have neighbors on both sides smoking it on their decks. I'm fine with people doing things that don't effect others but this does.

cuda hunter

I'm in Colorado.  I have set up multiple grow operations.  I know many many people that now use pot for medicinal purposes.
We don't have people getting killed or run down from these pot smokers.  However alcohol still has those effects.
There has been virtually no side effects from the legalization on driving.  Non existent.  Sure there is some dumb asses that have been charged for smoking while driving. 

  The representation of cheech and chong is very OLD and out dated.  Very stereotypical.  You old people are the ones who are benefiting from this legalized pot.  Mostly in sleep functions.  I know many folks who have gotten off of the prescribed medications of which cause multiple side effects just so they can sleep.  With the weed they have basically no side effects aside from using a carcinogen.  Most use oils extracts and are not vaping the oil for the getting high purpose. 
  My wife specifically uses weed oils for arthritis.  Makes a huge difference for her. 

  Many of the grow houses I have set up are for medicinal purposes.  A good majority of which are moving to this state due to their children having issues that the government just wants them to take "pills".  Of which might help issues but do not compare to what CBD can do for these children.  Just imagine if your child was having 100 plus seizures a day.  yet with a simple rub in oil they can turn their childs issues around and often stops the seizures. 

  Since it has become legal there is no longer a stigma of getting high.  Kids don't even really act like stoners any more. They are eating tide pods and sniffing rubbers and stupid stuff like that.  it's lost it's nostalgia and changed how people look at this.

  Have any of you seen any town that has a "weed epidemic" where people are dying due to weed?  NO.  plain and simple.  NO. 
But you all know of people who have opiate habits from their doctors.  it's easy to go to the doctor and get medicated.   Go to any big town and any of you can go find meth, cocaine, opiate pills, heroin, etc. etc.  Any big town.   That's what ruins peoples lives. 

  I've had many many people in my life die due to alcohol.  I've been a weed grower my entire life. Not once have I had anyone die due to marijuana.  When I say a weed grower I mean a lot of weed.  1500 plants a few years ago.  that's a 4.5 month grow season.  No one died.   No one is addicted due to my weed.
  Alcohol can not be compared to marijuana.  I'm not condoning getting high and driving, however I don't know anyone who has died to smoking and driving.  I lost my little brother to drinking and driving so I have a lot of thought and research into the two different substances.  Simply does not compare. 

  The misinformation is disappearing. 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Sorry for the rant.  This is quite the subject.  It's misrepresented very often. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


You're spot on cuda hunter. No worries, the younger generation is way more educated on this topic and that's why you are seeing more legality taking place.
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


Quote from: cuda hunter on October 17, 2018, 07:23:09 AM
Sorry for the rant.  This is quite the subject.  It's misrepresented very often.

Wait a minute!  Didn't you watch "Reefer Madness"? 


Appears that Michigan may be headed towards legalization as well.  Will know next month . . .  :dunno:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


I am a child of the 60/70's. Many of my friends smoked daily. None of them ever crashed their car from smoking weed. However I had 2 friends die and another who killed a 18 year old girl due to alcohol and driving. I personally do not partake but I think smoking weed is the least of the problems that plague this country. Just think if all drugs were legal--the prison population would be cut in half-- ( How much money would that save the Tax Payers ) the cartels would disappear along with their violence---the drugs would be safer because they could be regulated--no more shooting because of drug deals gone bad--The legal drugs could be taxed and the money could be used to set up rehabs and drug treatment centers for those who need it--not to mention the Billions of dollar already spent on the drug enforcement over the years. Would there be a bad side? sure there always is but you have plenty of bad things happening now with illegal drugs. Make the age 21 just like alcohol to purchase them.
Just my 2 cents.


Quote from: Brads70 on October 17, 2018, 05:57:37 AM
Quote from: 340challconvert on October 17, 2018, 05:33:14 AM

Under the Influence Laws while driving a vehicle are regulated for Alcohol use.
The same danger exists for people getting a "high" from pot.  Individuals should not be operating a motor vehicle under the influence and regulated just as alcohol consumption is!

There will always be people who abuse both!  It is an issue. :thinking:

Laws need to catch up with regards to infractions. This is my biggest concern ( driving) some will say they drove high before, and yes I'd agree but I suspect we will see  more people driving high now. I'm also not convinced they have a accurate/scientific way to tell/prove that will hold up in court for impaired charges. Not a big fan of this law. Medicinal purposes I have no problem with.

Not too worry, we have been dealing with this in CO since 2012. The technology of testing has rapidly advanced and is accurate down to 5 nanograms. If someone says they tested positive because they were at a party 5 days ago and walked through a cloud of it, testing can get close enough to validate that story or prove otherwise.

While I agree with a lot of what cudahunter posted and  antecedental information can be valid, the CO Bureau of Investigation has data that says deadly auto accidents involving persons who where high have doubled each year since 2013. Now, they did start this out with single digit numbers, so even while its doubling, its still far less than alcohol related deaths. Similarly, underage usage in the state has also gone up double digits. Now, is that to say weed is as big a problem as alcohol, no. Alcohol problems are still heads and shoulders above weed issues. But it also points out any substance that impairs ones ability is not a good mix with machinery and anyone under 21 has no business messing with either.


Statistics are showing that the oldr crowd goes for edibles more than for smoking. I've read a ton of things on CBD that looks positive. And now CBD is legal here.... (never tried it) but could really use its proposed benefits. But a long way before weed is legal here.


The odd thing here, is that Canadians should be VERY careful about admitting to usage whatsoever on public forums. The deal these days is that if when you go to cross into the US these days, if the nice customs man asks you if you've EVER done any weed and you stupidly say "well, yeah back in grade nine" you'll be denied entry, and so far, several people have been further barred for life from ever going back to the US. The same thing goes with if you work in the weed industry or even invest in it. Like the old WW2 saying- "loose lips, sink ships!" You've been warned.  :-X
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


Quote from: jimynick on October 17, 2018, 02:48:36 PM
The odd thing here, is that Canadians should be VERY careful about admitting to usage whatsoever on public forums. The deal these days is that if when you go to cross into the US these days, if the nice customs man asks you if you've EVER done any weed and you stupidly say "well, yeah back in grade nine" you'll be denied entry, and so far, several people have been further barred for life from ever going back to the US. The same thing goes with if you work in the weed industry or even invest in it. Like the old WW2 saying- "loose lips, sink ships!" You've been warned.  :-X

I hear you, I was charged with possession of less than 1 gram in 1981 and received an Absolute Discharge, not even a fine and to this day am not allowed into the US unless I fork over about $3000 every 1 to 5 years for a US Waiver where I have to be fingerprinted here and then approved by US Customs and there is no guarantee that they will approve it even though you have already paid them, the money is just the cost of the application.

1 mistake from 38 years ago and I am still denied access without a US Waiver, what a joke. Never ever been charged with any other criminal offence other than motor vehicle infractions, IE speeding, etc.

Yet my buddy who has 3 minor assault charges against him can still cross the border anytime without a US Waiver.

Guess they figure that the evil pot smoker is more dangerous to their society than someone that actual;l hurts people, what a warped law.

Thank Nancy Reagan for her push for the Zero Tolerance policy against drugs.

I choose not to pay for a US Waiver and have never been to the US since I was charged in 1981, there is nothing in the US that I cannot get in Canada or elsewhere other than the tourist attractions, IE the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Disneyland, etc.. Well not being able to drive down and pick up car parts for my AAR sucks, but I can still have them delivered to my house.

I too have had many friends and family members killed and affected by Alcohol and all of its downfalls. NEVER have i had any friends or family members affected my Marijuana.

I can even be charged with Impaired driving due to Alcohol and still would be allowed to enter the US with NO US Waiver.

BTW, in Canada it`s the opposite for Impaired driving due to Alcohol when entering Canada from the US, you will be denied entry.

I have nothing against the US Or it`s people except for their stupid archaic laws regarding Marijuana use, Class 1 drug what a joke, that was all perpetrated by the Cotton Industry because Hemp was a 10 times better product than Cotton, softer, stronger, lasts 10 time longer and there was only trace amounts of THC in Hemp when it was categorized as a class 1 drug with Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, etc. With the premise that it would lead to the use of stronger drugs, only the individual leads themselves to the use of stronger drugs not the drugs themselves. That would be like saying that when you had your 1st beer that you would automatically like hard liquor and become an alcoholic, only the individual leads themselves down that path.

Just my thoughts, sorry for the rant.