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Quarantine or not?

Started by torredcuda, March 20, 2020, 09:51:38 AM

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Sorry Torred. Our old folks homes here are germ factories with lots of deaths. Our govt. seems to have a hate for old folks so they are doing nothing to protect them.


There has been 50,000 deaths in four months, USA had 1000 deaths yesterday alone and it's spreading around the world faster then anybody expected and there's no magic cure in the short term future. :dunno:

So I think there IS a slight reason all this "doom and gloom is being shoved in our faces", and if we ignore it and go about our daily routine.... sadly enough I'm afraid it will catch up to all of us at some point.  :alan2cents:
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I think we'll beat it okay but we're going to have casualties obviously. The important thing though going forward is to rethink who you are doing trade with in the future. Treat your friendly countries better and stop dealing with unfriendly countries. Not to get political but there's no need to keep buying shiploads of crap from other continents when we can make everything we need right here on our own continent.


 :thinking: I'm really torn on this one. I get that stay in slows the spread. Are we going to shut the economy off until we find a cure? If we stop/slow the spread for now then when we are free to go again we start all over again? Ant with all due respect to the rest of the world, I really have a problem with arresting people for having an engagement party or church service, or whatever else. Does the Constitution not mean anything anymore? We can even agree that it may be a bad idea to gather but that's another topic.😒 Definitely some crazy times.
   Our state has been on stay at home orders for a couple of weeks and went from single digit cases to almost 500. I talked to a young lady in Arizona they were not under stay at home orders and went from 44 cases to 940 in a week. So staying in sees to help. Even here though after two weeks I think people have had their fill. A lot of people out and about. I am because my job is considered essential, for now. :dunno:


@js27 where I do agree with you on the endless doom and gloom "ratings only" push. I do disagree with you that the shutdowns are warranted.
The vast unknown of infected persons is the driving force not necessarily the morbid death count.
Persons carry this for weeks without not knowing they have it. The shear volume of person to person contact for weeks is troublesome.
The high impact shutdowns now will serve to mitigate future infections in the future. Still believing that once you have had it you will not contract it again. So next year and and subsequent years this, as you say will then "only be another flu". That is correct. But currently the world currently has not properly developed the proper herd immunity.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.


1 Wild R/T

What kills me is you lock yourself away as much as possible but you still have to go out for supplies at some point.... Every time you go to a market there's a risk factor & your waiting period for symptoms begins again....

Currently there are 44 confirmed cases in my county...

I've been trying to gather enough that we can truly isolate later when things really spike...

Currently I'm going stir crazy & it hasn't gotten real serious yet... Momma has always been happy staying at home so not much effect on her other than getting angry with me if I leave cause I'm not just risking my health...

Lets see how we are doing in a few weeks, a month................................


Yup: Momma is used to staying home, I'm not.
I kind of think this is an experiment by the Chinese so see how well it works keeping us inside and shutting down business. I wouldn't doubt they have a worse virus planned for us in the future.


@YellowThumper --I understand the reason for the lock down. I get the whole Flattening the Curve. I am not saying this is not dangerous because people are dying so that is a serious as it gets. My issue is the whole media coverage. None of this existed in any other pandemic we went through. There were never food shortages or ever on the verge of Martial Law. My wife and I and several other people we know had this flu in November of last year. I had a fever and I had the worse cough I ever had in my life for 5 weeks. I couldn't even talk--my entire mid section hurt from coughing. My wife ended up on a inhaler to help her breath. I went to the doctor and they called it a upper respiratory infection of UNKNOWN origin. The doctor told me they have been seeing this more and more every week. The doc gave me a steroid prescription and when i went to pick it up at the pharmacy they said it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow because they were 150 prescriptions behind. The first confirmed case was in early Jan 2020. Before that they did not know what they were looking at. I personally know several people who went through the same thing and we all survived and I never missed a day of work-felt like crap and probably should have stayed home but not my work ethic. There is a lot more political angle to this than people want to admit. I am 65 years old and have seen and been through a lot in my time and this is completely out of the norm. To plunge the country 2 TRILLION dollars more in debt--how many small business will never recover and re open. How many jobs will be lost because of this. This prediction of 100 to 200,000 deaths --I am sorry but I just do not see it at the current rates especially now they have test to confirm it quickly--some treatment that are working and some say there is a cure. I guess we will just have to wait it out and see.


Here is how Sweden deals with the situation, no lockdown, pre-schools and schools up to High School are open, College and universities are having their classes over the internet. Restaurant open with some restrictions. Good or bad...time will tell. At least it dosen't totally crash our economy right now.


"None of this existed in any other pandemic we went through."  We haven't gone through a pandemic of this magnitude in our lifetime...

SARS lasted two years and only 774 people worldwide died

In 12 months H1N1 took 151K lives

Covid-19 is already at 52K deaths in what 4-5 months ?

This is some serious shit... :alan2cents:
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Up North in Bobcaygeon ON the Covid-19 got into a nursing home 17 people have died in the last week or so :andyangel: ....Can you imagine your Mother or Father dying alone in a place like that and you're not allowed to visit with them whatsoever  :crying:
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Yup: It went rampant through a bunch of old folks homes in the Vancouver area. Obviously transmitted by a supplier, Janitorial service or something of that ilk. Govt. seems okay with it though although they are worried about all the convicts in jail. The way Canaduh treats it's pensioners I think they are happy with the sooner the retirees die off the less CPP and OAS they have to pay out. I think about 80-85% or B.C.s deaths are at old folks germ factories.


I've had a few weeks of loose ends at work with most if not all employees already off...I'm not around anyone,office is isolated from the shop so people can come and go without interaction...Technically we are closed...Last Friday was my" last" day being self imposed simply because too many drifters were popping in the shop seeing the doors were open from whatever I was doing..So much for staying safe.
   Which brings me to the point. Even with all the news events,exponential cases daily, and the social distancing orders, people still don't seem to be taking this seriously around here.
  Now, my wife and I don't go anywhere together to limit the possible exposure to one person.. And today was grocery day so it's mask,gloves and a heightened awareness of where people are and what you're in contact with...The stuff comes home, unrefrigerated items get quarantined for days before being handled..  All essential or refrigerated  items get the disinfecting wipe down and some still gets transferred to other containers...Clothes get washed after proper handling immediately...And it's back to life around our property with no interaction other than us two..
     And she's telling me there's still people at the store with no protection at all having a reunion within feet of each other like nothing's wrong out there...   Maybe I'm over reacting but when literally your life is at stake I'm thinking not ???
Best case for us is no virus contamination and a possible medicine or vaccine in the future... Worst case is doing everything correct, still getting it a few weeks from now and become a statistic from no medical supplies,beds,ventilators, and croaking in the street somewhere..You can't help but think the smart ones were the ones that got it and the help when they could in that scenario...


Quote from: screamindriver on April 02, 2020, 06:52:52 PM
I've had a few weeks of loose ends at work with most if not all employees already off...I'm not around anyone,office is isolated from the shop so people can come and go without interaction...Technically we are closed...Last Friday was my" last" day being self imposed simply because too many drifters were popping in the shop seeing the doors were open from whatever I was doing..So much for staying safe.
   Which brings me to the point. Even with all the news events,exponential cases daily, and the social distancing orders, people still don't seem to be taking this seriously around here.
  Now, my wife and I don't go anywhere together to limit the possible exposure to one person.. And today was grocery day so it's mask,gloves and a heightened awareness of where people are and what you're in contact with...The stuff comes home, unrefrigerated items get quarantined for days before being handled..  All essential or refrigerated  items get the disinfecting wipe down and some still gets transferred to other containers...Clothes get washed after proper handling immediately...And it's back to life around our property with no interaction other than us two..
     And she's telling me there's still people at the store with no protection at all having a reunion within feet of each other like nothing's wrong out there...   Maybe I'm over reacting but when literally your life is at stake I'm thinking not ???
Best case for us is no virus contamination and a possible medicine or vaccine in the future... Worst case is doing everything correct, still getting it a few weeks from now and become a statistic from no medical supplies,beds,ventilators, and croaking in the street somewhere..You can't help but think the smart ones were the ones that got it and the help when they could in that scenario...

This is exactly what Italy has been trying to tell us for weeks now, and here we are. We are extremely strict around our place when it comes to interaction and wiping things out, despite not being "high risk" individuals. The numbers are going to be staggering at this rate and when the general population comes around to realizing it, it's far too late.

Mortality Rates:
France: 9.1%
Spain: 9.2%
Italy: 12.1%
US: 2.5%

The US will be right there at 10% within the next 10-14 days. From what I understand, those are huge numbers in terms of virus deaths in this day and age.
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A few weeks ago Toronto and most other cites closed their public parks, playgrounds, beaches etc..."asking" people to stay away from any gatherings and six feet apart from other people....that didn't work so they started locking gates, roping off playgrounds, basket ball courts etc..tonight on the news...the mayor was pissed because people were cutting the locks and removing the caution tape :looney:  So now, it's a minimum $750 fine for anybody congregating in those city -run areas Some people just don't get it :'(
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