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I'm completely devastated

Started by 70/6chall, November 06, 2017, 08:08:24 PM

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My MOPAR forum bros. and sisters,
      I just recieved some totally devastating news from my brother Greg. My brother Chuck, who is 13 months younger than myself, and who lives north of Fresno cal., this afternoon at 3:30 pm, passed away from a massive heart attack. According to what I heard he just went down, right now, and never came back up. He was and is 68 years old, to damned young. His son and family, whom I just recently talked to, are on thier way up to Fresno from Oakhills cal. here in SoCal. to his Dad's place to console his Mother and Sister. I'll wait for more information, to find out what exactly happened. I don't know what to do, scream, beat something, cry. I'm to done in to do any of it. I keep saying to myself "Why him?"..........I sure do love him.    Rest in peace my dear brother. As always.     Thanks,   Al


Very sorry to hear about this.

My condolences to you and all of your family.   :andyangel:


It's always sad to loose someone you love.  Just be strong for the rest of the family. Lost my mom in April. I know the feeling.

Chryco Psycho

My condolences , always hard to lose people !
Be greatful he did not suffer


Nothing happy about this . . Tomorrow is promised to no one . . . Very sad.
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


truly sorry to hear that my friend. life is strange and we never know when it's our time, that's why we need to enjoy it while we can.

on a slightly positive note, I'll be seeing you in the next couple weeks :)  I was literally about to call you but figured it was a little late ... than read this and know it's not the right time. let's chat soon  :drinkingbud:
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Really sorry, life has a way of handing out shit sandwiches at times. I've learned it all to well. May he rest in peace. May you and your family be blessed.

Cuda Cody

I'm so sorry for your loss Al.  There's not enough words to tell you how sad I feel for you right now.  Please know you are in my thoughts and hope you know he loved you.  There's a special love that only siblings can share and he was lucky to have you as a brother.

1 Wild R/T

Sorry Al, My thoughts will be with you & your family....


Your situation gives me a wake up call to go visit with my brother soon. Our prayers and good thoughts are with you and your family at this time.


Sorry to hear this and sorry for your loss!


Al - so very sorry for your brother's passing. Take time to remember all the good times with him and share them with his family.

Judy & Charlie


Very sorry for your loss. It's a shock, I lost a few family and friends way to early. For me it takes a long time, then after a while, years, I can miss them with a smile, think of the good times.


I lost a sister at 56...I know it's real hard what you're going through... :andyangel:
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My deepest condolences for the loss of your brother. He will be in my prayers.

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Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible