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Console lid fit and finish...what the heck?

Started by kawahonda, July 13, 2018, 08:45:03 PM

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I cut out some of the rubber felt stuff and got it to sit near perfect without hinge.

As soon as hinge goes on, it lifts up....
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


 EV2RTSE, it almost looks like your 70 hinge is slightly different than mine. Hard to tell from the angles.
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


The black stuff on your door must have been added by someone to help quiet a squeak or a rattle; so yeah get rid of any of it that might be causing an alignment problem. Looking at that last picture, I'm still not liking the way the two halves of the door are fitting together though - if the screws are all getting a good bite and it still looks like that then it's probably warped pretty badly. Those two halves should fit together tightly, ideally even better than the first picture of the green console door that I posted.  It may just be too far gone, but you might try putting just the top half out in the sun for a while with a lot of weight on it, to hopefully take the bow out.

Your hinge looks to be correct for a 70 console, you might want to try to elongate those 3 bottom holes to possibly gain a little more vertical adjustment, and make sure the bend of the hinge matches up against the edge of the console.


It's just weird that without a hinge (or hardware) then it sits 95% perfect....
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


 I had the same problem as the lid sat high on the hinge side. On a 1970 the hinge material is much thicker than later years. What I did is "sandwich" the lid portion of the hinge between the two lid pieces. Not sure if this is factory correct but it actually looks much cleaner this way and lowers the hinge side of the lid. The lid still sat a little high so I eliminated the spring tension on the pin securing the two hinge halves. Now the lid sits like it should.


Now that's an awesome idea...I should try that when I get home! Never thought about putting the hinge in between the halves...but that could work. I could see how it would look pretty clean, too!

The Kawasaki Mach H2 750 is a serious two-stroke btw! :)

1970 Dodge Challenger A66


1970 Dodge Challenger A66


Question for you guys, that rear "pocket" that doesn't appear to have any that what Chrysler calls the "seat belt holder" feature? Can someone snap a photo of how a seatbelt actually looks being "held" in that?
1970 Dodge Challenger A66




Which mine is.... and I'm guessing it's that pocket in the back with the does it hold seat belts?
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


You place the buckles in there pointing up. Kind of hinky, I guess that is why it was a one year deal.


Haha. I keep getting asked about it. Now I know.

Do people lay their belts in there for car shows?
1970 Dodge Challenger A66


Ha, ha: I have had at least 4 70's with consoles and I've never used them.

Jay Bee

Here's how I keep mine in there.


I suppose these are for the "rear" belts?

I wonder if anyone has repurposed this hole for something else...
1970 Dodge Challenger A66