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Rebel's Fix Thread

Started by rebelyell, June 04, 2017, 09:49:42 AM

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Chryco Psycho

1/4 drive ratchet & short socket should get it
unless the mounts are shot & the engine is sitting lower than normal


Figured I'd post an update since I haven't been on here in a while. Had to spend money on other things, so the Rallye gage conversion has stopped for now. With the oil issue being the main one, I have gotten the oil to stop leaking around the valve cover. I have not, however, gotten the oil to stop coming out of the valve cover bolts.  :rofl: I guess I'm going to buy some rubber grommets and seal the bolts on the low side.

Does 75 psi at 3k rpm seem high to you guys for a 413RB motor?

Chryco Psycho

Cuda Cody


What are you guys using for fuel sending units? I see the one from classic industries, but I have zero concern for it being original. If there's something better, I'd rather use it.

Still haven't fixed the valve cover bolt oiling issue. Just too cold to mess with it.

Also, since my car doesn't have any horns, is it possible to hook up a single horn from a new car? Again, I don't need original. Just want something that works and looks good.

Chryco Psycho

 as always contact Dave @ Roseville for the sender
any horn should work fine

Cuda Cody

 :iagree:  @MoparDave  is the man that will take good care of you.   :yes:


Yep. Should have just contacted Dave to begin with. Haha, thanks guys.


SO. Lots have happened this year. Some good, some bad.

Installed the horns, installed the horn relay, hit the horn button and....nothing. Relay started getting hot, so I disconnected everything and set it aside for another day. That all happened in February. Been dealing with this next issue since.

Car overheated on a trip to Savannah one afternoon in April. I was driving down the interstate around 70mph when the temp started to rise and kept rising. I shut it off and coasted in neutral until I stopped and pulled off the side. Waited a few minutes and drove on. Temp came down, but immediately rose back up again a few miles later. Not wanting to risk it in the afternoon heat I decided to limp it to a friends house and wait for a tow..or so I thought. I went to make a 1-3 shift, everydamn thing locked up except the temp gauge. Shifter quit moving, but stuck in first. So I panicked and found the first available parking lot.

Apparently going to the gym and adding a pinch of panic and anger gives a 140lb dude hulk strength. I ended up breaking the shifter mount connecting the shifter to the trans trying to unstick the gear.

Fast forward to yesterday. Installed shifter rebuild kit with the correct stick bottom assembly (previous owners installed a clamp style stick on a bayonet style bottom assy) and new shifter rods. Got everything adjusted up yesterday and now shifts like a dream. The only thing wrong was that an operating lever had come loose from the side of the trans. And that the shift rods were rusted and the ends were stripped.

Drained the oil yesterday and didn't see any flakes or signs of coolant, so it looks like I'm good there. Ordered a timing light to check timing to make sure that's not an issue (I've noticed some studdering off idle and at WOT..could be slightly out of time and contributing to overheating). It's got a new thermostat, water pump, and fan clutch. Aluminum radiator should be good also. Going to drive it out of the garage today, change the fuel sending unit, and add some prestone cooling system cleaner and see what happens. I'll be able to verify timing this weekend.

I also attached a PDF of how to time it..does anyone see anything wrong with following that to get a good time?

cuda hunter

You broke that thing good!  :rubeyes:
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Haha, I know.

Worked on it a little more today and found out I have a misfire. So I'm changing the plugs and wires tomorrow. Maybe then I can start to drive it.


Symptom: misfire at idle.
Remedy: replace spark plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and coil.

Symptom persists.  :thinking:

Sooo I guess I'm going to do a leakdown test to see if it burnt a valve.  :notsure:

1 Wild R/T

Disable the ignition & crank the engine...  Listen to the rhythm as it's cranking...  Is it even? or does it sort of skip over a cylinder....  This is something you learn to do before doing anything else, that way you don't sell a customer a tune up & then have to go back & sell major engine repairs...


I'll do that when I get home from work.


overheating + missfire.....I'm thinking head gasket. 
.         Doin It Southern Style