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2022 Carlisle Pics

Started by purple1, July 15, 2022, 04:39:02 PM

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It was nice to see everyone again.  Thanks for the nice set-up purpleone and spikedog. I only make it Fridays every year and it was great to see everyone that was around. Alan had his suttle convertible that was a knockout. And the young kid cudahunter drove a long way to be present.


Here are a few I took. We ended up going Sunday because my daughter was in the hospital. I figured we would just miss this year but she really wanted to go.

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The sandpebble beige Hemi Challenger looked really awesome in person. Pictures don't do it justice.


I saw that hemi Challenger at MCACN last November and it is spectacular!
The same shop was working on member EK3's V code Challenger and I saw pictures on another forum of it displayed at Carlisle and it looked great.  Hopefully he'll post finished pictures in his resto thread here soon.
The owner of the resto shop who did those 2 cars passed away unexpectedly recently, those cars are a great tribute to his legacy.  :andyangel:


I just want to thank everyone that took the time to trek over to the swap meet to introduce themselves and check out my car, thanks to Dave (Spikedog) and everybody else, that put on all the weekend festivities, Saturday's lunch was great  :worship:

We had a great weekend, met a a lot of folks from the site, saw a lot of terrific cars and spent a lot of money on parts  :bigmoney:

As for my car, I think it went over well, I don't think in all my years of doing this stuff that I talked SO MUCH about my car, answering thousands of questions all weekend, for that I'm grateful   :worship:

To everyone I met  :drinkingbud:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Thanks for the pictures folks!!    :twothumbsup:


It was a great weekend, Friday was HOT .  :( Saturday was actually a pretty good day other than the 10 minutes of Rain.  Many amazing cars!  Definitely missed a lot of regular members at the show . . Long list of them.  Met some new members and had a good time!  Set records!  Over 3100!   Carlisle is the most amazing show!  If you have never been to this show . . You definitely need to go! 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Awesome time as usual - great cars to check out, found some parts in the swap meet and had a great time talking and hanging out with everyone. Missed seeing some of the regulars but met some new people, hope more will come again next year. Thanks to Cody and Dave for all the hard work and money spent to give us a tent to hang out in and food to eat.  :cheers:
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


My first Carlisle exceeded my expectations.  My experience started as soon as I left my home in Toronto because I drove my Challenger to the event.

Amazing cars and amazing members from the board. It was fun to finally attach a face to a handle on the board. What a great bunch of people. Really made my wife and I feel very welcome. Special thanks to @Spikedog08 for all of the coordination, sense of humour and wonderful hospitality.

Looking forward to seeing everyone next year!

p.s. will keep my eyes peeled for M46 scoops for @cuda hunter
p.s.s. @GoMangoBoys glad you liked my Camaro.  :yes:


Pic of our vending spots at K149-151.  Great show; record sales!  Got to meet gomangoboys in the booth.


Nice cuda in swap meet area


Checking out the Vanishing Point Challenger from Nick's Garage at Carlisle.  Cool car.

cuda hunter

Quote from: Dakota on July 16, 2022, 04:15:06 AM
  In the 2nd to last picture, that's cudahunter trying to read a fender tag on car passing the parking lot.  :)
Crack me up !!   :))
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Thanks @Spikedog08 for all the hard work to put together all the activities.  You spend a lot of time dealing with that stuff when you could be out looking at cars and entertaining activities. 
Thanks everyone for the hospitality and great conversations!  I learn so much each year. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Quote from: 6pack on July 18, 2022, 03:52:29 AM
And the young kid cudahunter drove a long way to be present.

Why, thank you very much!   
It was great talking with you as well.  Hope to see you again next year. 

36 hour drive home with a small sleep break in there.
32 hour drive out with two one hour breaks. 
That's quite the drive.  Interesting how there are people everywhere, until you hit Topeka Kansas.  Then there are no people anywhere. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee