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Carlisle Tent Reserved!

Started by Spikedog08, February 28, 2017, 10:13:39 AM

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Quote from: Spikedog08 on March 01, 2017, 08:50:58 AM
Quote from: Brads70 on February 28, 2017, 03:51:05 PM
Just curious as to how that will "jive" with the owners of :notsure:

OK first . . . the owners of the site have nothing to do with the Carlisle tent!!  The tent is MINE! 

I reserve it, I pay for it, I suggest where I want it and I am responsible for it!   I have since the first time we went to Carlisle back in 2003 I think it was.  Lemonboy69 made the suggestion that we all go to Carlisle and have a meet so members could put faces to screen names!  He suggested that the members pitch in and we get a tent.  That failed as no one wanted to pay for a tent . . . so I told him I would pay for the tent but just tell everyone that "A member volunteered to paid for the tent."  I didn't want any praise or anything for buying a tent for all. 

Well the next year came and again no one wanted to pay for the tent so once again, I did.  It was great having a tent to call home base for all the members!  I think that year I supplied hot dogs for all so we could save money on food as well.  That year somehow it was disclosed that I was the one that was paying for the tent.  This was also the year that I met Viperboy and Ashley! 

Since then, I have supplied a tent for all the members every year . . . even the one year I knew I wasn't going so all the members would have a tent and place to hang. (I was on my honeymoon in Bora Bora) 

A couple years after this, Viperboy and Ashley asked if they could supply the lunch to help me with some of the costs as I was paying for the tent and supplying food for all . . . it was a nice offer and I accepted!  They have done a great job and really enjoy that task. 

So the bottom line is . . . the tent is for all e-body lovers that want a place to get out of the shade and visit with other e-body lovers!  There are 4 sides to the tent so this year I suggest that we make banners and put them on 2 sides and put the on the other . . . but to be honest, I really don't care.  I put the banners on the tent so that the members can find it easily.  That is the point . . .

One thing that does concern me though . . if we get 25 members register, we get the tent for free.  At least this year, I ask that all register under the cuda-challenger site as I don't have anything set up for . . . but will work with ED at Carlisle Events and make it ready for next year. 


:bradsthumb:  Thanks again, that's makes perfect sense seeing  your paying for it. , just didn't want to see any unwanted "drama" from the " it's good to be king" crowd!


From what I gather,  most people like for the "people" more so than the content, and apparently nobody has really mentioned the a connection to the owner  of or how they prefer to support him.

So if the whole gang is here now at, why bother supporting ? :dunno:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Cuda Cody

You bring up a good point.  Many of us have made life long relationships and enjoy seeing what our "online" friends are doing.  It's very rewarding to see my forum buddies building cool cars or taking awesome cruises in their E-Bodies.  And with our forum we really all get to own it from the stand point the profits go back to the members.  Most of the main active members have found us, but not everyone knows of us yet.  That will change over time and we'll continue to get the word out about our great site.

When my wife, Neil (Chryco Psycho) and I stayed at Ross's house years ago he was very nice and welcoming.  I have nothing against him personally and wish him the best of luck.  I feel I was willing to pay over what market value was for the site, but he was not ready to sell.  It came to the point that I felt he was never going to sell.  As for his connection to CC, he owns it.  From what I've seen over the years I don't think he adds much in terms of technical or E-Body advice.  He provided a space for people to meet and talk about E-Bodies.  If I recall correctly, @Chryco Psycho  had the idea to originally start CC and was part of the site creation.  It goes back to a Charger board they were part of.  He can chime in (if he wants) and correct me if I'm wrong about the the origins.

I will move forward with the future and try making the best E-body site for anyone what wants to be here.  From friendly people to accurate E-Body information, we hope you can find it all on here.

The important thing to remember is SpikeDog08 has stepped up and gotten us ALL a cool tent for Carlisle.   :clapping:  Big props to him for continuing to help everyone by proving this tent for us.  I have a feeling it's going to be full of people wearing hats, shirts, jackets and even some free stickers.   ;)  Just as long has it's full of all my online buddies I'll be happy.  The thought of walking up to that tent this summer makes me smile.  Really looking forward to seeing you guys in person!  Be careful giving me a hug.  I'm so excited about Carlisle I might pee myself when I get there.   :haha:

Quote from: anlauto on March 01, 2017, 11:05:25 AM
From what I gather,  most people like for the "people" more so than the content, and apparently nobody has really mentioned the a connection to the owner  of or how they prefer to support him.

So if the whole gang is here now at, why bother supporting ? :dunno:


You are too funny!   lol   :rofl: 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Cody, if you think you might, wear flip flops, then just rinse. I will leave it at that. LOL  :rofl: :haha:


Is that a Banana in your pocket ......? :drunk:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Quote from: anlauto on March 01, 2017, 11:05:25 AM
So if the whole gang is here now at, why bother supporting ? :dunno:

mainly for the long term legacy information for me. it was the first ebodies site I joined a couple years ago and continues to be a good resource/reference for a lot of stuff we don't have here 'yet'. it will take some time to build the amount of data here that CC has (small and big how to's for just about everything, tips/tricks for everything, etc), but eventually it will probably get to the point of low traffic over there and he may reconsider selling it at that point ... then we merge/redirect all CC traffic here ....  :bradsthumb:
The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags



   I know another former member of CC tried to buy the site years ago, and was refused.

Ross did come out for Carlisle one year...Maybe 2005? He's a nice guy. It's just that CC isn't a real priority for him it seems. I have to give him credit for starting CC, which allowed me to meet so many great members.

Having said all that...I'm on team Cody. If there's to be a E-Body's banner, I won't be offended.   :D

cuda hunter

Probably won't make carlisle again.  I will be dreaming of it though.   So take what I say with a grain of salt.

Take the higher road.  Combine the situation.  Eventually there will be a merger if that site doesn't get enough traffic. 
Regardless, there is always room for other sites.  Every site has things to offer that others don't.  Even it that is a person who has something you need for sale. is a great place.  Member there since 2005.  lurked there for a few years before that.  At the time I couldn't find any information about ebodies.  Anywhere. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


You guys and gals are going to have a great time I bet.

Love the teamwork going on regarding the tent situation.   


Quote from: Topcat on March 01, 2017, 07:32:52 PM
You guys and gals are going to have a great time I bet.

Love the teamwork going on regarding the tent situation.

Why are you not coming?  How many years has it been now?  I have a room reserved for ya!   :clapping:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Quote from: Spikedog08 on March 01, 2017, 08:00:02 PM
Quote from: Topcat on March 01, 2017, 07:32:52 PM
You guys and gals are going to have a great time I bet.

Love the teamwork going on regarding the tent situation.

Why are you not coming?  How many years has it been now?  I have a room reserved for ya!   :clapping:

It has to do with work is my reason for hesitation.
Will try and determine the situation soon.


Quote from: Topcat on March 01, 2017, 08:50:30 PM
Quote from: Spikedog08 on March 01, 2017, 08:00:02 PM
Quote from: Topcat on March 01, 2017, 07:32:52 PM
You guys and gals are going to have a great time I bet.

Love the teamwork going on regarding the tent situation.

Why are you not coming?  How many years has it been now?  I have a room reserved for ya!   :clapping:

It has to do with work is my reason for hesitation.
Will try and determine the situation soon.
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


We have big plans brewing for club dinner and stuff!  Gonna be one of the best and certainly would be awesome if you came out this year!  You were the life of the party when you came to visit us at Carlisle!  Plus I need more smoked salmon!   :D
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Aha, thats how it works, with the ownership of CC and stuff, very good to know. I notice a drop of action over there now when so many active members are here. I really apprechiate all the hard work by Cody and the admins here! This site just works well. 
I vote for a E-bodies banner, even though I won't come to Carlisle. I have decided that one year, (maybe next), I will go also, would be so cool. I will continue to advertise for this site with my swedish e-body friends, we have over 900 e-bodies and there's only 3 Swede's on this site.

A bit later...: OK, I posted on Swedish FB sites with 8000 members, maybe there will be some more Swede's now.