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WANTED: 1970 barracuda with M46 option

Started by cuda hunter, February 01, 2017, 08:56:14 AM

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cuda hunter

I got a few leads about M46's that I do not know. 

Here is the only pic I have received so far.  It's been seen at a car show in I believe Wisconsin. 
Gonna try to locate the car, but it will be tough to find. 

I have one other lead as to an owner who had one of these in Colorado.  But that was years ago and I am trying to locate people , through people, through old information. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Mr Cuda

 I finally joined up to  e's .org.
Here is my m46 that I  bought in 1980.
It had a picture on here before,  as I was going to sell it.
Never did, and now I probably will.
Originally lemon twist,  but I hated yellow and was making twins.
Left the scoops off at that time as I knew I'd never find another pair.
Original trunk floor,  and only been hit a few times.  Been on the roads for the 42 years I've owned it.
The cuda hunter has me on the list, so not a " new" find.


I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Mr Cuda

So does the other one. K5 deep burnt orange.
The other car is a cuda cloned into a barracuda. 440 4spd , flat hood, no tips, turn down exhaust.
Hence, twins.


Didn't realize I was looking at two different cars  :rubeyes:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Mr Cuda


I'm so confused... :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:  sorry must be too early for me today  :headbang:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Mr Cuda

Don't  worry. You thought you knew alot.
I could  teach you more.


Quote from: Mr Cuda on January 29, 2022, 07:22:28 AM
So does the other one. K5 deep burnt orange.
The other car is a cuda cloned into a barracuda. 440 4spd , flat hood, no tips, turn down exhaust.
Hence, twins.

Well that`s one you don`t hear every day - a `cuda cloned into a Barracuda.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Mr Cuda

Hey cuda hunter, buy my car and you'll get the original scoops removed in 1980. Pretty sure I have build sheet and owners manual from plymouth of Compton.  Forgot the actual name of dealer. Haven't looked in the file in years.


I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


cuda hunter

How very interesting.  A metal drivers side and an aluminum passengers side. 

Looks like the car was painted the wrong color of fy1 once before they were taken off.

Well, you know I want to come up and take a look at the m46.  As well as a look at another item.
When you are ready we can get together.  A 22 hour drive isn't that fun but doable.  I'll be doing Carlisle which is 28+ hours this year.  A Florida drive that is also 28+ hours. 
There is a certain other car that I could incorporate into the trip as well. 

Wyoming is the next trip after a B5 A12.   :ohyeah:
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

The scoops sure do look minty.  Might be a nicer set than any I've seen so far. 
A little fuzzy in the pics is why I gotta say might.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

bh23G0E104403 had both metal and aluminum backed scoops.  They were the opposite sides though.
Post #3 if interested. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee