Main Menu FB discussion

Started by benguin, May 12, 2022, 11:55:44 AM

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Hi forum members!  I hadn't posted anything on our FB page, but was inspired to put up a post on the 5/10/1977 anniversary of getting my 1970 'cuda 340 from a Chrysler-Plymouth dealer in Downers Grove, IL.   

Within the post, I put up a couple of pictures from 1977, and then a picture from later.  Their have been a lot of positive comments (and many equally long term owners), but I'm stumped on how to respond to a poster who claims they are not the same cars, and that no one would 'go to all the work' to put on a 6bbl, some then-available AAR parts from my dealer, and the stripe.

Any thoughts?  Pics included below- I have NEVER tried to pass this off as an AAR, and intentially left most of the 340-4bbl cues: antenna on fender, belt molding on the doors (not on AARs), and the 10" rear brakes.  Never boxed the frame either.   Pics posted below for reference,

Thanks for any insight that I may be missing (other than just ignoring some folks on FB).


  Best advice I have is ignore the idiots.... If you pay attention to the FB group you see plenty of incoherent BS. I choose mostly to just look at the pictures & move on. 

  Love your ride BTW  :1place:
.         Doin It Southern Style


Happy Anniversary to you and your 'Cuda!  Great looking car!!
Short answer - its FaceBook!

I cannot speak for the FB page or any of its members specifically, but one of the many reasons I deleted my FB account years ago is due to the less than cordial (dare I say snarky?) comments I have read or received that seem to abound on FB. 
A short while back I used my wife's FB account to access some Mopar related FB Market Place sites, just in case I was missing something.  Again, some of the sellers I contacted had an "attitude", if they even responded at all.  Needless to say, I no longer use FB.......again!!

Stick to this site, (or For E-bodies Only)!  The folks I have (virtually) interacted with on this site have been exceedingly knowledgeable, helpful, kind, and reliable as sellers. 
Greatest E-Bodies site in the world!!


Let me get this straight...YOU bought the car in 1977 and it looked like your first picture, then YOU modified the car with AAR parts so it looks like the car in the last picture, and now  YOU're worried about some internet flake who thinks he's an expert on AAR Cudas telling YOU, it's not YOUR  car ???  :drunk:

I don't think I would reply, however, if you want to play nice, simply tell him that it is indeed your car, and you did those changes, and for the obvious reasons you listed, the car IS NOT a factory AAR  :no:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


It`s not just on FB, there are many forums that have "know it alls" or people that put down anything they feel isn`t "right". I am on a lot of FB groups - some good, some not so well moderated and if they are not something I want to see/hear I simply delete the group, same with websites/forums. I actually rarely go on any other forums other than this one and for the most part the E-bodies FB page is pretty well moderated and rarely do I see any issues on there.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Mr Cuda

We had the discussion about a convertible thread on here, and everyone said,  just  join the  one on Facebook.
Not on Facebook for this reason.
At least here, you get some constants, and no one is completely free of social requirements of decency.
Thought  I'd  share my 70 burnt orange  that I made into  71, back in 1980. Got to love the K5.

Cuda Cody

Cool story, cool car and you still have it!  That is awesome.  Thank you for sharing.   :banana:   :cool:  Don't let anyone give you crap about it.  They are just jealous.  :yes:


Thank you, gentlemen!   It was just a bit of a surprise- I mean, unless someone switched cars with me and transferred all the VIN info.  Looks like the inquisitor pulled his initial post, with no rationale.  Not sure why he was set on the fender tag determining it was two different cars though.  Likely trolling the boards.

Mr Cuda!  Always good to see another FK5!

Alan, I am not even sure that person is much of an e-body expert. :-)  He already saw that I said it wasn't an AAR- anyone who REALLY knows e-bodies can spot the differences.

Thank you all!


With the anonymity of the internet there will ALWAYS be those those type of people who just like to stir up stuff  :Stirring:  Best advice, even though these trolls are irritating, I wouldn't even dignify their attempt to stir up trouble with an answer because they're just looking to argue with you.  :pokeeye:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


You need to have thick skin (or simply not care) to survive social media.  If I ever want to depress myself with the incredibly low average intelligence or frequency of completely insane people out of the 7.5B of us on this rock, all I need to do is read comments on ANYTHING and about ANYTHING on ANY platform.

The Facebook group is full of ridiculousness and lots of terrible advice.....  I am by no means a know it all, but some of the advice and recommendations I see on there are enough to make my eyes go crossed.

"Does anyone know where I can get a dash pad for my 1970 Cuda?"

At least 20 responses telling them to check Napa or go to Auto Zone because they sell those, and several more talking about how they made one out of plywood and bubble gum and it looks like OEM, but they can't find any pics.  Followed by another handful of comments that are just plain gibberish.

I agree with above, look at the pics and move on.  If I need real help or need some knowledge, I come HERE.

cuda hunter

I saw your car on the facebook site.  Thought that was an awesome post. Thanks for sharing!

Ignore the idiots.

Seems I develop more actual relationships with actual real people from the forums.
Not so much fakebook.

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

70 Challenger Lover

I use both sites and let me tell you, the fb group has quite a few Jack holes. I take notice of who does it and most times, it's the same guys ripping on everyone's posts. They are just trolls who get some sort of perverse amusement pissing off other people. They can't behave like that in person of course or they wouldn't keep a full set of teeth. Unfortunately, they are the STDs that suck the fun out of life.


I have three FB groups - Northeast Mighty Mopar Club, Mopar Motorhomes and a Kawasaki KDX group. The groups are private so membership requires approval which keeps out spammers, scammers and trolls etc. Excessive vulgarity, insults and generally being an a$$ are NOT tolerated and my Mopar groups are kept kid appropriate. I will give someone one chance with a warning, second offense is immediate delete/ban which I have only had to do once. Doing all that I rarely have an issue and everyone is nice and respectfull to each other and thier rides.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club