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Heater Delete box

Started by cuda hunter, May 24, 2020, 02:31:59 PM

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cuda hunter

So was there a heater box when  a car was ordered with the H25 "heater delete" option? 
Was there no box but a block off plate for the firewall?
What was there?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Our resident expert on that subject can explain, and maybe share his pictures. @VCODE  How about it Bob ?
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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Quote from: cuda hunter on May 24, 2020, 02:31:59 PM
So was there a heater box when  a car was ordered with the H25 "heater delete" option? 
Was there no box but a block off plate for the firewall?
What was there?

There was no heater box but a vent box (like the left side vent box) made to work on the right side with special brackets.
There was a crude block off plate for the firewall.
There was a heater hose rubber cap on the water pump and a pipe plug in the intake manifold where the nipple for the heater hose would go.
Hope this helps


Some Pictures


Thanks Bob, those pictures say a thousand words  :drinkingbud:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


This bracket I have never seen anywhere for sale. I had them on both my cars. You need this bracket to attach the vent box to the cowl.


Likely overlooked if someone was stripping a car....grab the unique box, but don't realize they're leaving the bracket behind.....Still can't imagine too many of these cars exist let alone stripped for parts. :tool:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Man; I really like that. I think I'll replicate that on the next car I build.

cuda hunter

Thanks a ton Bob! 

I have been looking for just the heater delete panel on the dash, with no avail. 
Figured I should know what else went with that.   I'm blown away by the amount of parts that are different there.

I thought the hunt was going to be hard to find the one heater delete plastic dash panel but holy cow, I'm gonna have a hard time finding those other parts. 

Thanks for the pics.  At least I know what I can't find.   Anybody out there who has these parts and  stumbles on this thread in 15 years, I"m interested. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


there's a "heater delete" 440+6 Charger R/T in the garage
:takealook: the passenger side  fresh air vent appears the same
a shot of the dash mounted "delete" plate
the firewall is easy on a b-body, since just the heater core lines come thru it - replaced by body plugs


It looks like the box is the same. The cable bracket looks different, I need to see a different angle of it.


Quote from: cuda hunter on May 24, 2020, 03:57:17 PM
Thanks a ton Bob! 

I have been looking for just the heater delete panel on the dash, with no avail. 
Figured I should know what else went with that.   I'm blown away by the amount of parts that are different there.

I thought the hunt was going to be hard to find the one heater delete plastic dash panel but holy cow, I'm gonna have a hard time finding those other parts. 

Thanks for the pics.  At least I know what I can't find.   Anybody out there who has these parts and  stumbles on this thread in 15 years, I"m interested.

The dash delete plate are out there. Two types the way they are attached. Assemble line and over the counter. I may have one.
The water pump rubber caps are available and the intake pipe plug are used on intakes.
If you find the bracket and j hooks to hold the vent box up you better go play the lotto. Never seen them anywhere. The vent box is the same as the left side but the cable bracket is different and you will not find that.
The firewall plate has stamped dimpled holes, the plate you can make. Just will not be exact

cuda hunter

So even thought he vent on the passengers side is the same as the vent on the drivers side there is a difference?  Where the cable mounts to it?  And that makes it a different vent body correct?  So I could not use a drivers side on the passengers side? 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on May 24, 2020, 05:02:38 PM
So even thought he vent on the passengers side is the same as the vent on the drivers side there is a difference?  Where the cable mounts to it?  And that makes it a different vent body correct?  So I could not use a drivers side on the passengers side?

The plastic box itself you can use. The metal bracket that holes the cable in place is different and is opposite of left side because the vent cable comes from center of car to right side.
Hope that helps


looks the same  :takealook:  still has the diverter attached, made of the same stuff as glove box liners