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How long did it take you to build you car

Started by Shoooter, June 04, 2018, 11:13:07 PM

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I started the ground up restoration of my T/A in 1999, and expected to have it done by 2003.  I ended up getting it back together and running in time for MCACN 2016!  And I still have some things to do on it.
It ended up in restoration shop "jail" for almost 14 years.  Finally moved it to another shop that beat me up both financially and emotionally for 2 years, but at least it finally got painted.
After getting it home, I didn't even want to look or think about it for awhile, but eventually dragged myself off the floor and got cranking away getting it put back together.


1 year and a large stack of money.

There were multiple times where I wanted to give up.  I'm very competitive and so I was just completely obsessed to finish it as quickly as I could trying to take pride in everything I did.

@IMNCARN82  give me the greatest piece of advice I got along the road which was...."It might take everything you got"

When he said that I thought it was a little over-the-top.  Once I committed to this project I often thought about it looking at my car in a thousand pieces as there so many sacrifices that have to take place to finish a project.

Sounds like Shooter is getting close.  Yeah!


Wow, how to count?
it took 10 years or so to de-build it. I let it sit in the in-laws back yard while in the army. neighbors kids shot out the windows, the tarp desentigrated, and the rain rotted through the roof, trunk, window frames, etc.

If I add up actual work time, say 3 years of body work, a year of interior, and hopefully another 6 -12 months to get the engine and drive train back together. This is all work by me except for exterior paint (i did the engine bay and trunk) and engine and tranny rebuild (which I'll do the final assembly).

It's not all perfect, but I think that 48 year old will be in better shape than this 48 year old. LOL



I bought my car in 1981, put it on the road and drove it till 1983 to fix a fender after a small fender bender. Got married in 85 and had three kids . All three kids decided one university degree wasn't enough they had to have two degrees. My youngest daughter just made U of T  medical program  making this her third degree. I,m hoping to put the car on the road in 2019 or 2020. At least now I get mopar parts  for christmas, birthdays and fathers day. This year I'm hoping for a headliner and padding. So how long did it take me  36 years and counting.


Quote from: RJChallenger on June 07, 2018, 02:28:34 PM
I bought my car in 1981, put it on the road and drove it till 1983 to fix a fender after a small fender bender. Got married in 85 and had three kids . All three kids decided one university degree wasn't enough they had to have two degrees. My youngest daughter just made U of T  medical program  making this her third degree. I,m hoping to put the car on the road in 2019 or 2020. At least now I get mopar parts  for christmas, birthdays and fathers day. This year I'm hoping for a headliner and padding. So how long did it take me  36 years and counting.

Lol same here since 83.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



 :wrenching: 14 years and nowhere near seeing the light at the end of the tunnel; but when all done the car will have every sheet metal panel replaced including structure.


Quote from: 1Burgfish on June 09, 2018, 09:14:01 AM
:wrenching: 14 years and nowhere near seeing the light at the end of the tunnel; but when all done the car will have every sheet metal panel replaced including structure.
Personally cannot fathom the amount of work involved with projects of that magnitude.  :bravo:
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



"Finished" is just a lie we tell out wives.  :D  They are never " done" I've had my car 10 years now and it has been a constant evolution, as I do something every year. 


Quote from: Brads70 on June 09, 2018, 07:39:04 PM
"Finished" is just a lie we tell out wives.  :D  They are never " done" I've had my car 10 years now and it has been a constant evolution, as I do something every year.

This I agree with...
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



Quote from: Shoooter on June 04, 2018, 11:13:07 PM
I'm curious to see how long it take people to build there car, not you Alan we all know your the fastest out there. I wondering  how long the average Joe takes to build his? I am super slow for a bunch or reasons, family, and money being the two major ones. I'm embarrassed to say how long I have been building it but one move, two little boys have alot to it. I know there will be some answers like I'm never done building it but what is the average time from purchase to hitting the 5yrs  :Thud:

Well, I definitely consider myself an average Joe.  I set my personal goal at six years from the time of purchase to actually being able to drive it down the road.  I try to work on it a little each weekend but life happens and that is not always possible and sometimes it simply just has to sit for a couple of months but I felt and still feel that my goal of six years was realistic taking all of this into consideration.  I also spend countless hours doing research and hunting parts as well as doing virtually all of the work myself.  I am currently in year four and still going!


Claudia, I thought you were wrapping up your project? Will it take two years to finish?


Quote from: nsmall on June 12, 2018, 01:45:33 PM
Claudia, I thought you were wrapping up your project? Will it take two years to finish?

Yeah, I am but at the rate I have been going . . . probably!  :))

I still have some things to do such as carpet, center console, front and rear seats, steering wheel, exhaust . . .


I'm on 8 years with mine.Long story but Ive been around my Cuda since the 8th grade as it was my English teachers daily driver,caged,tubbed and all.I tried to buy it countless times when i was in my 20's,and then 30's.Finally when i was 38 i finally talked him into selling it to me but it had gone from being a show car in the 80's to a complete mess from sitting outside for 20+years.I got it running,took it to the local donut hangout (to show everyone i finally got it lol)and then tore it apart to get her back to her former glory.Promised myself id have it done by my 40th B day....and 8 years later at 46 its about halfway done,Everytime i touch something i just cant bring myself to half ars it .Didnt plan on getting married again,having two kids and buying a house but that's exactly what happened.Ive since sold my street/strip Duster to finance the paint and body,and just last week sold another one i came across to flip for more $.Hang in there,it will all be worth it in the least my kid will have a cool Highschool ride lol.
If it ain't broke,fix it till it is


When I was a GM guy it took me two years to build my Z/28.  I'm glad I'm a Mopar guy now!!!!


Bought it 2002. Been working on it ever since while driving it occasionally and replacing pieces, parts and systems. In its current state it hasn't been started and driven in 4 years. Hope to correct that this winter.  Even then, it will still need all its bodywork and interior done.