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Forum was down for a bit....

Started by Cuda Cody, August 30, 2017, 07:21:04 AM

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Cuda Cody

My expert help has told me we might have something breaking the "sessions table".  We will need to log everyone out for a short period in an effort to fix it.  Sorry, but everyone will need to log back in after the update is done.  By the time you see this message you might have already had to log back in.   :sorry:  for any inconvenience this may cause.  Just doing our best to make sure everything is working and we are all getting the best forum experience possible.

Hang in there while we make these updates.


        Was the forum down today ?  :rebelflag"


Seems like it was  unavailable about half hr ago...........but good now..............


Must of been as I couldn't log in earlier myself. Blame it on Hurricane Irma ... Yeah! That's the ticket! Blame it on the Hurricane!

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Quote from: Roadman on September 10, 2017, 09:42:04 AM
        Was the forum down today ?  :rebelflag"

Down all morning for me, just back up now  :o
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Cuda Cody

Sorry everyone.  Laura was kind enough to let me know if was down and our hosting company jumped right on getting it fixed.  Turned out to be a simple issue, but took a little bit to find the problem.  All good now!   :drinkingbud:



Chryco Psycho

Welcome back !! as we were all in withdrawal !


Need that e-body fix!

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


Be careful. Don't get caught drinking the Kool-Aid or believing the hype.

Skunkworks Challenger

Site is working well now.  I noticed this AM it was down but knew it would be fixed.  Had also noticed last several days it was unstable.  Hope the new node fixes all!


Still slow for me on desktop windows7 or iPhone 6s. No issues other sites.

Cuda Cody

Sorry buddy.   :sorry:  I'm working with the hosting company to figure why it's bogging down. 

Quote from: larry4406 on September 10, 2017, 02:25:30 PM
Still slow for me on desktop windows7 or iPhone 6s. No issues other sites.

Cuda Cody

Okay... a little update.  Ever since they moved us to a new node two weeks ago we have been having issues.  The very short story is I run backups daily of the site (I'm super over the top safe when it comes to protecting our site).  I have the system (WHM) run a complete backup each night.  I also run a WordPress backup and a C-Panel backup each day.  These backups (set to run automatically) take about 20 to 30 minutes to run.  Then I send the backups to a offsite storage drive for safe keeping. 

Then 2 weeks ago we started having the site go down.  It happened a couple times and the hosting company said they were having a few issues with the node so to make it better they were switching us to a new node.  THAT"S WHEN ALL HE!! BROKE LOOSE.  Now each one of my back up takes from 5 hours to 12 hours to run.  Basically putting the load at the maximum and slowing the site down to a crawl.  I've hired a 3rd party to evaluate the logs and determine what is going on.  I will get the site back up and running at top speed with full backups. 

So you can see exactly what I'm talking about.  Here is the chart of the loads.  You can clearly see when they moved us to a new node and how the server is responding.  Those spikes are the backups that run.  There was NO CHANGE to the site other then they moved it.  But they continue to tell me it's not their servers causing the problem.

So now you know what is going on and why the site has been slow.   :sorry:  I will get it solved one way or another.  I promise you.

Cuda Cody

The current load chart.  They keep telling me they think they fixed it but nothing is changing.  I have requested to be moved to a new container.  If that does not work I will look in to finding a new hosting plan or company.