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Gas Prices - climbing to Record Highs

Started by Jay Bee, October 07, 2021, 06:15:10 AM

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well...I don't know about any of that ...I just know when we bought my wife's car, it cost $60 to fill it, today it took $96....I actually looked on the ground to make sure it wasn't leaking  :o
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


I have a super cheap on gas 2008 Corolla, nothing special, just transportation..   

Cuda is the fun driver, I don't even look at gas prices anymore...     It's not like you can haggle 
1973 BS23H Cuda' 340/TKX 5 speed (70 AAR clone-ish)


Quote from: HP2 on October 10, 2021, 09:05:24 AM
Quote from: HITTER23 on October 09, 2021, 12:00:44 PM
A president CAN effect prices when, like already stated enacts his agenda . Closing pipelines and banning new drilling had a direct result on the price. We went from being energy independent and EXPORTING to now at the mercy of OPEC and now asking them to please up your production. Recently, Saki even said that basically climate change had a bigger importance than energy prices.

I disagree and others have pointed out other flaws in your statement, but lets explore your logic a bit using the chart posted earlier by Goody. 

By your definition, GW Bush's administration made gas prices rise from a low of $1.48 to a high of $4.09 via their policies and the global war on terror. A global recession in 2008, uninitiated by the president, drove it down to $1.71.  By the end of is term, overall prices were up 15% over 8 years with a 176% range in the same time.

BH Obama's administration took over at $1.71, and saw a peak price at $4.12 due to the recovery from the recession. By the end of this administration, it was down to $1.87. Overall a 9% increase over his 8 years and a 140% range over the same time.

DJ trump took over at $1.87 and saw prices slowly increase to $3.05. During a global pandemic, which the president did not initiate,  prices dropped to $1.91. When he left office it was at $2.49, for a net change of 33% increase over his 4 years with a 63% range in prices.

JR Biden took  over at $2.49. Average today is around $3.26. At 30% increase over the last 9 months. Jury is still out on where it will end and how widely it will fluctuate.

So it appears to me that regardless of who is president and regardless of their party affiliation and the efforts made by any administration, prices continue to rise and any significant change in pricing tends to be the result of larger forces that impact a wider population than simply the US or even North America.

A president cannot control the global economy or many other things but he can make decisions that affect the US economy, taxes, jobs, stock market and oil production which to at least some extent would affect gas prices? Having SOME affect on gas prices is not the same as controlling them.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Filthy Filbert

Quote from: dodj on October 12, 2021, 03:28:10 PM
Quote from: HP2 on October 12, 2021, 06:07:36 AM
Quote from: dodj on October 10, 2021, 01:06:13 PM
Quote from: anlauto on October 10, 2021, 09:41:46 AM
............and logic wins again :brainiac: :veryexcited:
I dunno. Logic rarely changes the minds of the poorly informed.... :dunno:

Who is poorly informed? Well, that's up to the individual. lol

Thus our current  economic and social quandary, which reminds me of the age old philosophical debate of the allegory of the cave.
Hee hee. Never thought a Mopar site would reference Plato...LOL

I thought the same thing!  :bravo:

Plato should be taught in high school.   There are so many lessons in that 2500 year old literature that are relevant today.   The parts of the soul, the types of government and how one evolves into the other, the type of person who makes for a moral leader...

Our government is heading exactly towards what Plato said it would.   
In all of recorded history, the average age of a democracy has only been 200 years, and we're at 250.
The best people to be our president, representatives, senators, etc. are the ones who don't want the job.  The worst people for the job are the ones currently in it because they wanted the role for personal benefits.   Remember, George Washington tried to refuse the presidency.  "I do not want to be your king, we just fought a war to get rid of a king"

Jay Bee

Some stations in my city are up to $1.463CAD/L. For my American friends that equates to $4.47US/US gal today.
The currency exchange rate changes constantly too. Here's the calculator I've been using...


What it cost me to fill up my vehicles doesn't concern me as much as everything else that is connected to the price of gas. Everything we buy is trucked, so everything else goes up. Anything made of plastic, home heating, bulk oil for my business etc etc etc.... my ankles are getting calloused as are most everyone else, they just don't realize the association !

70 Top Banana

I think is still have that slant six around here somewhere.

Shane Kelley

Quote from: Brads70 on October 16, 2021, 07:12:29 AM
What it cost me to fill up my vehicles doesn't concern me as much as everything else that is connected to the price of gas. Everything we buy is trucked, so everything else goes up. Anything made of plastic, home heating, bulk oil for my business etc etc etc.... my ankles are getting calloused as are most everyone else, they just don't realize the association !

They realize it. It's all part of building a socialist utopia. IMO


So Republicans are socialist?

I mean, looking at the history of gas prices this century, Republican administrations had the highest overall net gains on gas prices during their administration and you seem to be saying higher gas prices is the foundation of a socialist utopia.

I assume you are taking a dig at the current US administration in making your statement. IMO, if we cherry picking any 9 month period in any time from the last 21 years, we can paint a completely different picture depending on how you want to present it.

Skid Row

 :drunk: So let's throw 3.5 Trillion$ at it and we'll Build Back Better cause nobody does it better than the Government. :rofl:


Lets keep the politics on the down low... :vipermanhiding:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Quote from: anlauto on October 18, 2021, 07:19:06 AM
Lets keep the politics on the down low... :vipermanhiding:
WHY, It's going to effect our hobby and our life's!!! They give pollution credits to power company's that crush old cars, to get rid of the parts, and they are waging a war on fossil fuel. We will have to convert our E-Body's to plug-in.  :verymad:


This website has never been a place to debate politics or discuss/argue one party over the other.... :alan2cents: We don't want the drama here  :stop:
I merely suggested keeping your opinions of one party or the other, out of this conversation... :grouphug:

We can all agree that ALL politicians screw everything up reguardless of their party.  :pullinghair:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


OK I'm gonna let this continue but as Alan has said . . . keep the politics out of this thread.  Religion and Politics are not allowed here!  :stop:

No exceptions . . . 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Will do my best to avoid overt political rhetoric.

The biggest problem with gas prices is demand for oil. Every decade someone comes along and say we have hit peak demand, yet we keep creating more demand and coincidently, keep find new technology that gives us access to more oil. Its very likely that prices will continue to rise until what time that peak is hit and alternative technology allows a substitution. So long as we keep demanding more products that are derived from petroleum, oil prices will continue to rise and gas along with it.

Through the 17th and early 18th centuries, whale oil was in ever increasing demand. It finally peaked in 1846 when petroleum processing began to provide replacement technologies. What products or technologies will allow us to reduce demand for oil, I don't know. If I was that smart I wouldn't be on an internet forum debating gas prices. Perhaps by then gasoline will become an antiquated, quaint commodity. Perhaps it will become a parallel resource. None of us know for sure. Even many of the experts can't agree on when peak demand will be hit, whether it will be this decade or 10 to 50 years in the future.

Gas prices will continue to fluctuate while they continue a slow rise until peak demand is found. This will happen regardless of what political party is in charge, in whatever country one wants to want to utilize as an example.