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My luck has ran out ... Covid19 has finally caught up to me.

Started by RzeroB, April 27, 2021, 10:45:57 PM

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Quote from: oldmoparbuff on April 28, 2021, 04:29:14 PM
Cleveland Clinic study found people with higher levels of melatonin were less effected by SARS-CoV-2.

It's thought to block a potential receptor site for virus proteins.

I'll add that to my nightly regimen..



I'm sorry to hear about this and I hope you have a speedy recovery
1973 Barracuda
2012 Charger R/T AWD


    I had it last July. The worst sickness I have ever had. Kicked my ass for a month.  Had terrible chills--could not get warm,lost my since of smell and taste, could not eat. Laid on the couch pretty much delusional with a fever for about 12 days. Even went to the ER at one point only to be told there was nothing they could do and to just ride it out. The only thing that saved me was it never effected my respiration. I also have diabetes and heart problems so it was pretty scary. Lost 25 lbs from not being able to eat (have since re found it). After about 2 weeks I started to get a bit better but I was completely weak and any exertion would just exhaust me. Took another 2 weeks to get my strength back. Drank a lot of gator aid and other liquids. Staying hydrated definitely helped a lot.  Hope you only have a mild case and a speedy recovery. 


I had it at the beginning of March.  I felt under the weather for about a day, but by no means bad enough to think I had it.  Hell, I've had worse hangovers.  I lost my taste and smell a few days later after that when I felt normal, which prompted me to get tested and sure enough I had it so I had to do the quarantine thing.  Other than that one day, I felt fine.  My senses came back slowly over a few weeks.  I could sort of taste saltiness, and maybe the slightest hint of sweetness, but that was it.  So weird!

Stay positive, take vitamins/supplements, rest as needed, force yourself to eat (not easy when all you can't taste), and hydrate!

I know people who never felt sick and had it, and I know others who said it was the worse illness they've ever had, and others have died.  I think health and age are the biggest factors just like they are for any illness.


Quote from: worthywads on April 28, 2021, 07:46:28 AM
I got my second vaccine 3 weeks ago, aren't most of us old enough to have been vaccinated already?

Yes, most E-Body people are getting older. I got the J&J vaccine without any issues.


Your first four days are going to tell how you will go.  if you get really sick quickly and incapacitated in any way, you will end up in a hospital.  With a poor prognosis. 
    If you get pretty sick, but are still able to function in some way, you may just have a tough course that has to be monitored closely.  Lots of potential risk of lung issues, vascular issues, and stroke.  Plus long term issues. 
    You can get symptoms, feel ill, but do relatively well, chances are you will be fine
     You can have mild symptoms and feel well soon.
     You can have no symptoms and still be positive.

     This virus is tough.  Nobody is safe.  There are a wide range of effects and it is impossible to predict the course of the virus for any individual.  Please isolate while you are ill.  Please monitor your health and breathing.  Do not wait to  long to get medical help.  Have a support person to help you with your needs.  Stay hydrated and moving if you can.  It will prevent blood clots and stroke.
     I hope your case is mild and short lasting.  Please stay safe and get well soon.
"Don't brake until you see God!"


Quote from: worthywads on April 28, 2021, 07:46:28 AM
I got my second vaccine 3 weeks ago, aren't most of us old enough to have been vaccinated already?
In Canada less than 2% fully vaccinated.......
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Thanks everyone for your concern. I appreciate your words of encouragement.

I didn't know about the Zinc or the Quercetin? Don't know much about it ... but that why I asked. Gonna have to get some.

My breathing seems to be okay ... but I'm soooooo damn tired all of the time. Good thing is I sleep a lot ... hopefully if I sleep enough, one day I'll wake up and it will be behind me!

Thanks again everyone.  :thankyou:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Get well soon!   

1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye E55 727A in Bright Blue Metallic


Quote from: dodj on April 28, 2021, 08:35:31 PM

In Canada less than 2% fully vaccinated.......

I think we're at 2.7% now fully vaccinated , but the problem is they keep extending the time frame between 1st and 2nd doses...At the beginning it was 21 wife was just told 45 days after she got her 1st shot :dunno: 

Canada has over 30% with just the 1st dose  :brainiac:

USA has 42% with the 1st dose, but a whopping 29% with both :bigthumb:
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Cuda Cody

Thank you for the update @RzeroB   :grouphug:  I'm thinking about you a lot and hoping you feel better soon. 

Quote from: RzeroB on April 28, 2021, 08:46:15 PM
Thanks everyone for your concern. I appreciate your words of encouragement.

I didn't know about the Zinc or the Quercetin? Don't know much about it ... but that why I asked. Gonna have to get some.

My breathing seems to be okay ... but I'm soooooo damn tired all of the time. Good thing is I sleep a lot ... hopefully if I sleep enough, one day I'll wake up and it will be behind me!

Thanks again everyone.  :thankyou:


Quote from: RzeroB on April 28, 2021, 08:46:15 PM
Thanks everyone for your concern. I appreciate your words of encouragement.

I didn't know about the Zinc or the Quercetin? Don't know much about it ... but that why I asked. Gonna have to get some.

My breathing seems to be okay ... but I'm soooooo damn tired all of the time. Good thing is I sleep a lot ... hopefully if I sleep enough, one day I'll wake up and it will be behind me!

Thanks again everyone.  :thankyou:

All the quercetin does is allow the zinc to pass through the cell wall so that it can be used.  If you have too much zinc in your system though, it won't work as well.  So like I said, half of a 50mg tab per day is fine.  I think the Quercetin is a 250mg tab, one per day. A lot of grain products will block zinc absorption so take it with something like egg or a slice of cheese so it's not so rough on your stomach.  You can also drink green tea with EGCG.  The quercetin/zinc regimen works as a preventative as well, and use a vitamin-c lozenge if you are in a crowd; covid can hang out at the back of the throat and the C will kill it. 

Politics aside, covid-19 seems custom designed to target people on a western diet. 


Get well soon.

My sister and Brother in-law had it.

She said they stayed  active and moving around at all cost.
Keep a close eye an your 02 level, the finger tip sensors are cheap.
Alternately, blueish lips and nail beds are indicators that you need medical attention.