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Barnfind 1970 Barracuda

Started by soundcontrol, March 07, 2020, 01:28:05 PM

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1969 mustang
1974 cuda turnt into a 71 cuda
1968 charger


Quote from: soundcontrol on April 19, 2020, 12:17:54 PM
Found a mummy in the frame!

LOL, it's not as cool as a mummy, but  I found a quarter from the 1960 under my carpet when I removed it.  I put it back under the carpet after I restored the interior.  I figured it couldn't hurt and might keep the electrical gremlins away.   :notsure:  So far so good.  :fingerscrossed:


Never found the original plastic under the door panels on any e-body I had before. Nice!
Doors look great inside.

1 Wild R/T

Speaking of things never seen before...  I've taken allot of E bodies (mostly Challengers) through the years dating back t the 70's & I don't recall ever seeing a bumper in that location.. Wonder if it's a Cuda thing? Or an anomaly...


Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on April 25, 2020, 10:29:29 AM
Speaking of things never seen before...  I've taken allot of E bodies (mostly Challengers) through the years dating back t the 70's & I don't recall ever seeing a bumper in that location.. Wonder if it's a Cuda thing? Or an anomaly...

Lots of 70 Cudas have them :bigthumb:
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The bodyfiller/blocksanding was not easy! Not that it matter on this rat car, but I wanna practice.
I had to put some paint on it because we're expecting rain soon, and I was told not to get the bodyfiller wet.
Thought it looked OK until I painted it :)
I starting to understand why a good paint job is so expensive...

The only part that came out decent was the right lower fender, the left fender was OK in the upper part, just a slight high spot.
That upper fender was very bumpy from old damage, I removed 1/2" of filler from it, and hammered/dolly a lot.

Filling and sanding around the wheelhouses, got bumpy and uneven, I don't know how to make it nice/straight, I shaped a long sanding block
in a rounded form, but that didn't help. Gonna try some more in better weather.

Any tips is appreciated!


Practice! It takes practice, You can masking tape above the body line to guide you. That wheel lip and line are difficult at best, If you can master that, you are ready for about anything.  :yes: :bigthumb:


That Cuda body line above the wheel openings is one challenging SOB alright, especially integrating it properly into the fore and aft metal as well.


Compared to what you started with, I think it looks great ! and certaintly serves your purpose  :drinkingbud:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


It's gonna be a cold a rainy week here, I'll try some more later, sure is good practice!
I got some black marker paint, will use that more on the wheel lips when I'm sanding.
I used it on the fender and it worked fine, but blocking a big surface seems easier than those damn wheel lips.

I fixed up the back of my house with stones so I have a nice surface to work on now,
been doing this in the gravel so far. Tried to get a permit for a car port, but nope. I already exceeded my build area for the property.
So I installed concrete foundations for the pillars for a car port....


I used to rip those out and throw them away (in the early 80's).
Think I'm saving this one  :D


Had to fix rust right where the rear exhaust hanger is mounted, rusted area overlapped the tank a bit.
First I thought of just lowering the tank and put a piece of steel in between, but lowering it in the rear
opened up the filler tube hole so I played it safe and removed it completely.
Better safe than sorry...

cuda hunter

Quote from: soundcontrol on May 09, 2020, 01:03:28 PM
I used to rip those out and throw them away (in the early 80's).

:barf: :barf: :barf:
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee
