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Random Hemi E-Body of the Week

Started by RzeroB, August 02, 2017, 07:48:02 PM

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The FC7 with white interior and auto is one of the three  Canadian JS27R0B cars.

Jim W

I am loving this thread. I thought I would add some pictures of a 1970 Hemi cuda I owned from 1999 to 2015....
This car is unusual because it is one of the very few V02 code 2-Tone 1970 Hemi cuda's known to exist. I only know of 3, perhaps members on here know of more?
I know of a red car with black roof and a white car with B5 blue roof?.. and my car FC7 with EW1 white roof. I think that makes it the only 2-tone 1970 Hemi Cuda in a high impact colour.

I don't know the early history of this car except that some time in the 1970's it arrived in Sweden and did some race duty. It came to the UK in 1989 and I bought it in 1999, the car has always remained completely rust free. I sold it in 2015 and shipped it to its new owner back to Sweden. Here's some pic's, I have included a page from a Hot Rod magazine from when this Hemi Cuda visited California for a few weeks in c.1985.

1970 A66 Challenger 340 convertible



Quote from: Jim W on August 27, 2018, 02:45:22 AM
I am loving this thread. I thought I would add some pictures of a 1970 Hemi cuda I owned from 1999 to 2015....
This car is unusual because it is one of the very few V02 code 2-Tone 1970 Hemi cuda's known to exist. I only know of 3, perhaps members on here know of more?
I know of a red car with black roof and a white car with B5 blue roof?.. and my car FC7 with EW1 white roof. I think that makes it the only 2-tone 1970 Hemi Cuda in a high impact colour.

I don't know the early history of this car except that some time in the 1970's it arrived in Sweden and did some race duty. It came to the UK in 1989 and I bought it in 1999, the car has always remained completely rust free. I sold it in 2015 and shipped it to its new owner back to Sweden. Here's some pic's, I have included a page from a Hot Rod magazine from when this Hemi Cuda visited California for a few weeks in c.1985.

Cool, my friend here in Sweden owns it now.


Happy Hemi Day!!

Kind of took a bit of a hiatus to take care of some stuff on the health and home front ....

You guys (and gals?) want to see some more of this stuff??

Or has it ran it's course and we should just let it go as is??

Suggestions welcomed for improving it ... or putting it to rest.


Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Hi Tom good to see you back on the board again And I for one would like to see more.   I really enjoyed reading about each car and the detail you provided for each.  I also think it would be interesting to see some sort of summation of the vehicles you have records of broken down in whatever fashion you might find interesting- color, transmission, quantities, etc. hope you're feeling OK and everything's all right at home. again good to have you back.

Chryco Psycho

I have missed the additions to this thread !
Welcome back & Happy Birthday Tom  !!
I hope you got you health sorted out .


I would love to see more.  :bravo:

Did we ever do a spread on Bill's Cuda...Floorit426?    :thinking:


Quote from: Topcat on April 26, 2019, 11:46:46 PM
I would love to see more.  :bravo:

:iagree:  Keep going I'm enjoying this thread! Just wondering if you have any info or know if this one still exists? I don't have any other info such as vin etc... just curious if it still exists?  Gord Coats passed away a few years ago. He did a lot for local racing around these parts  mostly circle track racing but he did venture into drag racing in the  " glory years"  Gord always treated me really good and I have many fun memories because of him. I didn't know Don Cloake but as far as I know is still active with Drag racing.



Yes keep this thread going!  It has always been one of my favorites. :twothumbsup:



Okay, we will keep this thing going and do another series of great cars.

In the last series we kind of went chronologically by production month. We're going to change than up with this series ...

As the title of thread suggests, we're going to go completely random this time around. And as Mike (Topcat) suggested, I'd also like to encourage more member participation. So if you are lucky enough to have a Hemi under the hood of your E-body (Bill aka Floorit426), the forum is open and ready for you to post up some pics and tell us about your car!

As an added feature, we going to try a "preview" pic, VIN or something of what will be coming the following week. With the broad depth of experience present here on the forum, your collective knowledge of these cars far exceeds mine. By posting a "preview" you guys (and gals) may know more about the featured subject and can post up your pics, info or personal experience with the subject car.

So to kick off this new series, I'm going straight to the top and swinging for the fences and a home-run. If I had the opportunity and the means, this is THEE Hemi E-body that I would want in my garage. Here's a preview pic to whet your appetite and more will follow on it in the next few days. Hopefully this new series will be a heck of a ride!!  :burnout:


Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)

Cuda Cody

I always love seeing the post you put in this tread!!!   :iagree:   :thankyou:  I can never see to many Hemi E-Bodies!


A lot of things like to make a big deal out of starting a new season ... sports, tv shows, car shows, etc. To kick-off things off they like to start with a home opener with a lot of fan-fare to celebrate the promise of a successful new season. I figured we could do the same too. So to kick off the new season, I'm going straight to the top and swinging for the fences and hope for a home-run. If I had the means, opportunity, and that Bill Wiemann kind of "power of persuasion" to get someone to sell it to me, this is THEE top E-body that I would want to put in my garage!

Well if you haven't recognized it from the preview picture, the car that we are going to kick off the new season with is none other than BS23R1B242209. It is finished in gorgeous FJ6 Sassy-Grass-Green perfectly accented with V6X black billboard stripes and a V1X black vinyl top.

On the inside it has the rarely seen H5X9 black and white cloth and vinyl interior of which only two other '71 HemiCuda's are known to have come from the factory with. It is a four-speed car and has the A34 Super-Track-Pack 4:10 geared Dana Axle Pkg, A62 Rallye Gauge Pkg, B51 Power Disc Brakes, H31 Rear Window Defogger, L34 Road Lamps, and the R26 AM/Cassette Radio among other nice things.

The car is a Canadian spec car and was originally sold by Norvan Chrysler of North Vancouver BC to Randy O'Brien of Smithers BC. I mention Randy because he had an unusual use for the R26 AM/Cassette Radio that he had ordered for the car. Randy would dangle the microphone outside his driver's window, hit "record", and then do a big hairy burnout! Later, he would replay the cassette on his home stereo so he could enjoy the sounds of his handiwork ... the roaring Hemi and the screaming polyglass tires ... now that's a true gearhead!

Sometime in the mid-'70's the Hemi "blew a valve" (broke a valve spring and swallowed a valve?). Whether that occurred during one of Randy's "recording sessions" or not who knows! Anyway, the wounded Hemi was pulled and another Hemi was found, purchased and installed in its place. Randy continued to enjoy the car for another couple of years but eventually wound up selling it in 1977 ... and that's when the car entered it's "dark" period.

The second owner, David Husby, was a man with a mission. His "mission" was to turn the car into a street racing monster. To do so he employed the help of Jack Williams Speed Shop in Vancouver. Jack was no stranger to Hemis and E-bodies as he had his own '70 HemiCuda race car and sponsored a number of Vancouver area racers under his "Syndicate Scuderia" moniker, or as it was more commonly known as, "The Syndicate." Jack's shop added headers and a bunch of other go-fast goodies to the engine. To clear the carbs, they removed the Shaker hood and added a fiberglass one with a Sox and Martin style scoop on it. For faster shifts, they removed the 4-speed and installed a race-prepped automatic in its place. To complete the transformation they then painted the entire car black ... in an effort to make it more bad-ass looking, or maybe more stealthy in the dark of night, or maybe it was just David's preference ... who knows. Transformation complete, the car took to the streets of Vancouver and it didn't take long for it to make a name for itself. It came to be known as "The Street Sweeper" because it pretty much "cleaned up" wherever it ran (and raked in a bunch of money)! As the '80's turned into the '90's and the value of these cars took off, David decided to have the car restored backt to original. Parts and pieces were sourced and installed and a fresh coat of Sassy-Grass-Green was applied thus ending the "Street Sweeper's" reign.

In 2007 David sold the car to a "flipper" who in turn sold it to its fourth and current owner Wade Ogle. If you know Wade, you know that he likes cars that are unique in their configuration or history giving them a certain "provenance" as he likes to say. So although this car did not have its original engine or transmission, it's combination of being a Sassy-Grass-Green car with the rare black and white cloth and vinyl interior and a 4-speed gave it the appeal necessary to be added to Wade's collection.

The previous restoration done during David's ownership was not up to Wade's high standards. Wade employed the services of (the now defunct) Aloha Restorations in Wisconsin to do the metal work and a few other things. Once he received the car back from Aloha, Wade rolled up his sleeves and got to work attending to all the details that separate a presentable restoration from a fantastic one. The result of his hard work is evident in the beautifully restored HemiCuda you see here. As it turns out, it's just not here that you may have seen it. It was also prominently featured in the November 2010 issue of Muscle Car Review where it was both the cover car and the subject of a great feature article written Jerry Heasley.

During the restoration, the VIN of the engine in the car was noted and determined to be from a Canadian spec '70 HemiCuda. Since the engine was not original to Wade's car, Wade wanted to see if he could reunite the engine with it's original car. He put the word out and through a "friend of a friend" he discovered that the '70 HemiCuda that the engine came out was in fact alive and well in Canada! Peter Wille of British Columbia owned the white with blue interior HemiCuda and a deal was struck that would return Peter's original engine to him in exchange for a date-code correct non-stamped engine for Wade's car.

Fast forward a few years to 2013/14 in Vancouver and Jack Williams was retiring and was having a going out of business sale at his shop. George Kanavaros, looking for some items for his '70 440-6 Cuda, saw a complete black Shaker hood hanging from the wall and bought it. George noticed green paint under the black and learned which car that hood had originally came from. He contacted Wade and they worked out a trade where Wade sent George a '70 Shaker hood in exchange for the original Shaker hood to Wade's car.

Another George was also at Jack Williams going out of business sale. George Pappas bought Jack Williams' '70 HemiCuda "Syndicate Scuderia" race car and a bunch of parts. At the 2014 MCACN show in Chicago George met up with Wade started showing Wade some pictures of Jack Williams' HemiCuda. He shows Wade a picture of a transmission and then stops. Wade's like "ok it's a 4-speed what about it?" "Look closer" George says and it's then that Wade sees that the transmission in in the photo is the original one to his car! A deal was struck where they would trade transmissions in order to return the original transmission to Wade's car. 

George Pappas wasn't done. As for the parts George bought, they included a pair of '70-'71 Hemi exhaust manifolds with date codes on them that would be consistent with the SPD of Wade's car. Though there is no way to tell for sure if they came off of Wade's car, the coincidence is uncanny. So yet another deal was made and Wade bought the manifolds that in all likelihood were original to his car. The following spring George met up with Wade again at the Spring Fling show in Van Nuys CA. George is talking to Wade when he whips out a bunch of old pictures of Wade's car. "What the ... where did you get those!" Turns out George found them while sifting through a bunch of old memorabilia and photos at Jack's shop before it closed down and he graciously gave them to Wade.

I love how all these great things happen in an effort to get original parts back to their original cars. Now if only the wounded original Hemi that "blew a valve" could be found ... how awesome would that be?!

Now here is the really good part! If you would like to see this gorgeous green gem in person and meet with it's super-cool owner Wade Ogle, you are in luck! Wade has told me that he plans on bringing this car out to the Good Guys Summer Get Together in Pleasanton CA on June 1st. If you can't make that show don't despair as you get a second chance! Wade also plans on bringing it out the following weekend to the Mopar Alley car show at DeAnza College in Cupertino CA on June 9th. So if you're in central California in early June, be sure to mark your calendar and make it out to one of these shows. Remember though, it's BYOB ... Bring Your Own Bib cause this Sassy-Grass-Green HemiCuda is mouth-watering gorgeous!

I apologize for making you wait so long after the "preview". I had to fact check the story and I'm still getting use to my new picture hosting site (flickr). Thanks for your patience, and a special thanks to Wade Ogle for sharing the pictures and story with me and in turn us ... enjoy!

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)