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What did you do with your ebody/Mopar today?

Started by Brads70, March 21, 2017, 03:19:50 PM

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I too suspect that is a motor home setup. They are close together.
This was my setup. When slightly rotated it cleared the hood bracing. Correct "look" would be oval snorkel for later models. This one is an earlier version one. I also added the vacuum smog valve to front of it.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



This evening I hit one of the largest local cruises.  Officially the last one of 2017 sadly.
Great turnout, must have been close to 500 cars.  My friend Glen brought his '71 H code and we parked together. Another Friend Greg and his son Nick brought out their Challenger race car.  Yesterday I spent close to 3 hours messing around with my T/A's rear bumper trying to get it aligned perfectly, it's lots better, but maybe still not perfect.
And hit another local cruise Saturday and had a good time for a couple hours until a storm was headed our way so I had to scamper home.
Tonight was the highlight of the E body intensive weekend.  Here are pictures of this cruise from the 4 times I made it out this year.


Quote from: YellowThumper on September 04, 2017, 08:14:28 PM
I too suspect that is a motor home setup. They are close together.
This was my setup. When slightly rotated it cleared the hood bracing. Correct "look" would be oval snorkel for later models. This one is an earlier version one. I also added the vacuum smog valve to front of it.

Yup, sounds like it might be. Until your picture I was wondering how you did it lol
Might have to get one like yours instead even with the snorkels not exactly facing the hood vents. Oh, Well I tried.


I scored a really nice original airgrabber air cleaner set up for a 440 this weekend.Fits much nicer than the 383 one I reworked to fit.  Played around tuning the carb.
As per our tradition , driving my youngest son to school this morning in the Challenger, starting grade 12..... wow where does the time go.....


Quote from: 303 Mopar on August 27, 2017, 06:38:37 AM
This V code pulls into a show with a tiger tail out of the gas cap. Wasn't that a GTO thing?

Cool to see one of those Esso tiger tails after all these years.
Esso gave them away in the mid/late 60's- I remember them as a young kid.
Later I worked for Esso/Exxon as a garage mechanic.  Exxon still kept the Tiger as a corporate symbol in the early 70's
Picked up this display tiger when the boss was throwing it out and kept it all these years.

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible

Chryco Psycho

Cool that you found an original air grabber AC Brad

Chryco Psycho

I remember they also had paper towel rolls in the washroom with the Tiger printed on them  :bigthumb:


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on September 05, 2017, 08:57:17 AM
Cool that you found an original air grabber AC Brad

Ya $400 Canadian with a new unused K&N filter. Great deal I thought.


Yeah, nice score Brad! As for me, I finally got the old girl out as I figured the concrete drive had hardened enough. Drove to Kitchener for some of that oh-so-cheap $1.25/ltr gas and then drove off most of it, going to and fro. Got caught in a rain shower for 5 minutes and cursed the new,yet non-operative (correctly that is) wiper motor. Found the Sure Grip was still working while sliding around the round-abouts.  :bigthumb:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"

Chryco Psycho

You got a great deal & the 440 ones are difficult to find .
Sounds like you were having fun Ian  :bigthumb:

blown motor

Went for a supper run last night to the Cowbell Brewery with a few others. Vehicles were Doug's and mine Challengers, 39 International Pick-up, 85 Olds Cutless, 56 Fargo Pick-up, 79 Trans-Am, 68AMX. Beautiful evening when we went and a big rain while we were there. It seems every other time I take the car out this year it gets caught in a rain.  :pullinghair:
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


Drove it to work, believe it or not, premium fuel is hard to find this week.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1972 Barracuda - 5.7L Hemi/T56 Magnum
2020 RAM 1500 - 5.7L

My Wheel and Tire Specs


I paid $1.56/litre of 94 octane last night. That's about $5US a US gallon. Time to move out of this country.


seen this 71 outside St. Louis today with Washington plates