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Pictures of our loyal companions....Lets see your pets...

Started by 1 Wild R/T, August 06, 2017, 08:20:38 PM

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The white horse is Beau. He'll be 35 in a few months which is really old for a horse.

The next pic is from when we got our girl Thunder. She's a big Belgian Percheron. Donna named her after hearing her run.

The next one is my boy Harley. He's a haflinger and very smart and agile. He has me trained and wrapped around his little hoof. The last pic shows him using my lap as a pillow.



Great looking healthy horses.........Thunder is BIG.......they look well taken care of.......good job.............


Quote from: cudamadd on December 12, 2017, 09:55:26 PM
Love that photo of max just laying there in the snow

It's with a great deal of sorrow that I have to report that Max passed away Tuesday night, unnecessarily from complications of pneumonia while at the Vets.  I don't know if I'm more hurt or angry.  The Vets totally screwed up and now my beloved Max is no longer with us and I miss him terribly.

1 Wild R/T

I am so so sorry to hear about Max's passing... Trust me I know  the hurt well.... As I'm sure most of us do....  RIP Max... :sorry:




I'm very sorry to hear this.  :(
I went back and looked at him.

He was a beautiful looking Dog.


That sucks, he was a beautiful looking dog and to lose him like that, so sorry for you.

Event though we know we will outlive our pets, we still do it, because they give us unconditional love which you can't get anywhere else.

RIP Max.....  :sorry: for your loss...


Thanks everybody.  I know that the hurt will eventually be replaced with fond memories.  The fact that it was so unexpected and unnecessary made it particularly hard.  We received  the anti-biotics we ordered for Max last Friday in today's mail, which temporary brought the anger back again until we opened a card from a good friend with this tree ornament.  Still hurts but we know it will get better.  Thanks again for the kind comments.

1 Wild R/T

You have an awesome friend...

I wasn't going to share this but I think it belongs... 

My boy Tok who passed September 19th had issues for years & I'd given him medicine without issue through all of it...  Till late August when the vet prescribed the last pills... Tok wouldn't take them & I wound up forcing him to take them.. He'd never acted that way before but the vet said he needed them... I fed him pills daily for three days & suddenly he was much sicker than he'd been before.. I stopped giving him the pills & took him back to the vet, who confirmed Tok's system couldn't tolerate the meds...  Three weeks late Tok had declined to he point I couldn't see him suffer anymore....   He trusted me, he tried to refuse the meds but I forced the issue, he did what I asked & took the pills... In the end I feel like I killed my buddy....   

Vets try to help but they don't always have the right answers...


Thanks for sharing 1 Wild R/T.  Interesting, I once had a Siberian Husky name Tok.  Small world.

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: usraptor on December 23, 2017, 02:24:42 PM
Thanks for sharing 1 Wild R/T.  Interesting, I once had a Siberian Husky name Tok.  Small world.

When we first brought him home we wanted a name with some sled dog history tied to it.... In the end we named him after the Alaskan town of Tok... A town named after a Husky..... Tok is known as the "Sled Dog Capital of Alaska," and many of its residents are involved in some way with dogs and dog was named after a husky pup that belonged to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in charge of building this section of the Alaska Highway.



Sorry to hear about your faithful friend. Always tough, but especially at this time of the year. I dread the day when I lose one of mine. They are like another kid.