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Pictures of our loyal companions....Lets see your pets...

Started by 1 Wild R/T, August 06, 2017, 08:20:38 PM

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Quote from: mopar thunder on March 26, 2018, 05:02:17 AM
I believe I posted a pic before but here is our dog, Bodi. Unfortunately I think his time is coming. Berners average life span is 7-8 years old I have been told, he is 12 now. On Saturday night we spend 4 hours ( 11 pm - 3 a.m.) at the Vet Emergency center. Not sure what but something happened earlier that night. He is getting a bulge on his left side and was very unsettled and drinking a lot. After all the tests it was inconclusive but thoughts are he might have a tumor on his spleen and it might have burst. He has to go today to have it aspirated so we know what we are dealing with. If it is blood then it's only a matter of time, if it's other fluid then we can look at treatment but he is at a fragile age and we know he wouldn't survive a surgery. His quality of life would be severely compromised. He's at a point where you have to help pick up his back end when he wants to get up. I don't like this part of pet ownership, I don't handle it well.

Sorry to hear about Bodi also.  I always thought those Berners are really good looking dogs, they seem friendly too.  Yep,  it' not fun to go through that at all.  Been there several times, it never gets any easier, that's for sure.

Take care,  Scott


Here's some pics of my buddies, past and present.  Thor was our first, the one pic is at his prime and then one in his last days,  he made to 15.  One heck of a dog,  he could catch those nylabone (hard) Frisbee no matter how hard or far I threw, he was like no other.  I'll post the my other buddies shortly.


Ok, next is Thunder.  He was quite the snuggler,  he would curl up next to me on those cold winter days and we'd watch Lions lose again and again.  He past on a couple of years ago.  He was really good with puppies we got to keep him company when another one of our dogs past on, he's the big one of the pic of the three of them.  Also, he loved the snow, he would constantly bury his head in it.  He made to it 12.


Next is MaTuVu,  she was a retired show dog our breeder gave us when she was 8,  she make it to 12.  She was quite the lady,  somehow she never got dirty,  she would always walk around puddles and stay away from anything dirty.  I miss her too, she was a good buddy for Thunder too.


Here are our current doggies.  Stormy and Lightening,  they are brother and sister.  We when looking for another dog after Ma Tu Vu past on to keep Thunder company, my son wanted a boy and my wife wanted a girl.  So we got one of each.  It's was the best thing ever,  they played with each other and Thunder too.  They also, keep each other busy, so they chewed on less stuff too.  The first pic is of the dogs waiting for me to get home from work.  As you can see Lightening likes his ball, check out the tennis ball position.  He's slowed down a bit now, but still does good.


I always heard losing a pet was one of the hardest I get it. Max crossed over the rainbow bridge on March 19th. He was 13 yrs 3 months and losing him was the worst feeling I have ever had. He was my constant companion.  People say the hardest part of getting a dog is the true it is.  Miss him every day.


Quote from: mjb765 on April 07, 2018, 07:02:17 PM
I always heard losing a pet was one of the hardest I get it. Max crossed over the rainbow bridge on March 19th. He was 13 yrs 3 months and losing him was the worst feeling I have ever had. He was my constant companion.  People say the hardest part of getting a dog is the true it is.  Miss him every day.

:sorry: for your loss, we just went through this with our little papillion Vixie, it hurts alot. They may be gone, but they are never ever forgotten.  :sorry:


Skippy > On Vacation > Guard duty

She says, "she is Not a Hot dog"
she is a Akita...

She was a  "Cool" companion, we had 17 years together.
Ha-Ha Racin
Havin "Fun" 101


Quote from: mjb765 on April 07, 2018, 07:02:17 PM
I always heard losing a pet was one of the hardest I get it. Max crossed over the rainbow bridge on March 19th. He was 13 yrs 3 months and losing him was the worst feeling I have ever had. He was my constant companion.  People say the hardest part of getting a dog is the true it is.  Miss him every day.

Sorry for your loss.  We unexpectedly lost our Max also last Dec to pneumonia at 8 years and it still hurts and I miss him terribly.   


Quote from: usraptor on April 08, 2018, 04:05:20 AM
Quote from: mjb765 on April 07, 2018, 07:02:17 PM
I always heard losing a pet was one of the hardest I get it. Max crossed over the rainbow bridge on March 19th. He was 13 yrs 3 months and losing him was the worst feeling I have ever had. He was my constant companion.  People say the hardest part of getting a dog is the true it is.  Miss him every day.

Sorry for your loss.  We unexpectedly lost our Max also last Dec to pneumonia at 8 years and it still hurts and I miss him terribly.
So sorry for the liss... both if you. @usraptor Max looks like a really cool dog! 8) 8)


Thanks Superdave.  He was.  135 lbs of a sweetheart.  Went everywhere with me. 

1 Wild R/T

Twins!!  A rare moment, the puppy has slowed down enough that Tia will occasionally tolerate her....


My great dog Wilbur passed away this weekend, he was old, going on 14. Loved to ride in the Challenger with the wind in his face.
We lost a family member. My other dog is sad also, they were always together, she keeps staring out the window as if she is looking for him.


 :sorry: @soundcontrol  14 is a long good life, they are part of the family!  :andyangel:


1970 Dodge Challenger A66